Friday, December 12, 2008
Kids are so funny!
Ok well it is 1am and I am still up because I have 2 children that think that they MUST sleep in my bed when Daddy works nights. So now that I have gotten them back into bed I must wait up to make sure they go to sleep and not wait till I go to sleep, and come back to my room. Sneaky little guys.
Anyways since I am up, and the news about little Kailey's body being possibly found is so depressing so I don't really want to watch it, I decided I would blog about the conversation that I heard this evening. It was bed time and I was getting the kids to clean up the toys like every night and they were in Liana's room tidying up a bit. Well they have a Sesame Street toy that is really for babies, we call them stand up toys because babies learn to stand with them, and it is annoying when they sit there and press the same thing over and over. So I keep hearing it and finally I hear Caylob speak up. This is how the conversation went. BTW Caylob has been carrying around his new Bible all night letting me know that it is the Word of God and the Word of God is a sword. I love it!
Caylob: Sissy do you want me to cut you with this sword?
Mommy's ears start to burn on this one just waiting on what was next, I was in the living room btw and they had no clue I was listening.
Caylob: This is God's word and it is a sword and it will cut you and then you will believe in Jesus.
Now mind you I was picturing him in there waving his Bible at her and she is ignoring him all the while pushing the same button on this Sesame Street toy.
Caylob: Sissy are you bored?
Liana: No I Sissy
Caylob: No Sissy, I said SISSY are you bored?
Liana: NO Cayob I said I Sissy! Frustration mounting here
Caylob with the same frustration: No Sissy, I was asking you if you were bored.
Still pressing the same button... Liana: OH! Ok....Nope
I could just see the light bulb above her head come on. And I could not help but to laugh. And that was the end of the conversation. I thought Caylob was about to preach to her to begin with and it ended like.... yeah ok whatever and they were done, even though I was waiting on a sermon, it was still too funny! The funniest thing is. Liana is really smart and pretty much knows what you are saying, but she has her Daddy in her and if you do not ask the question specifically, you WILL get a run around answer. That is soooooo her Daddy!
Either way I found it amusing, hope you did too. I am off to bed now, praying that they are asleep. (crossing fingers)
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Foto Friday.
This is a picture that Jodi did for us and she added the exact thought I had at the moment she took the picture.
I know I know mushy. Oh well, what can I say, I love him!

He is the love of my life, but these guys right here have allowed me to form a love like no other. Sometimes they may not know it is love, but most times it is the best love in the world. All Mommies know what kind of love I am talking about!

Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving poems.
Either way I hope you enjoy then like I did.
Christmas Is Coming – A Turkey’s Tale
When I was a young turkey, new to the coop,
My big brother Mike took me out on the stoop,
Then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow,
And he told me there was something that I had to know;
His look and his tone I will always remember,
When he told me of the horrors of..... Black November;
"Come about August, now listen to me,
Each day you'll get six meals instead of just three,
"And soon you'll be thick, where once you were thin,
And you'll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin;
"And then one morning, when you're warm in your bed,
In'll burst the farmer's wife, and hack off your head;
"Then she'll pluck out all your feathers so you're bald 'n pink,
And scoop out all your insides and leave ya lyin' in the sink;
"And then comes the worst part" he said not bluffing,
"She'll spread your cheeks and pack your rear with stuffing".
Well, the rest of his words were too grim to repeat,
I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat,
And decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked,
I'd have to lay low and remain overlooked;
I began a new diet of nuts and granola,
High roughage salads, juice and diet cola;
And as they ate pastries, chocolates and crepes,
I stayed in my room doing Jane Fonda tapes;
I maintained my weight of two pounds and a half,
And tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed;
But 'twas I who was laughing, under my breath,
As they chomped and they chewed, ever closer to death;
And sure enough when Black November rolled around,
I was the last turkey left in the entire compound;
So now I'm a pet in the farmer's wife's lap;
I haven't a worry, so I eat and I nap;
She held me today, while sewing and humming,
And smiled at me and said "Christmas is coming..."
It did not list an author, but the website was
(Edgar Albert Guest, 1881-1959)
Gettin' together to smile an' rejoice,
An' eatin' an' laughin' with folks of your choice;
An' kissin' the girls an' declarin' that they
Are growin more beautiful day after day;
Chattin' an' braggin' a bit with the men,
Buildin' the old family circle again;
Livin' the wholesome an' old-fashioned cheer,
Just for awhile at the end of the year.
Greetings fly fast as we crowd through the door
And under the old roof we gather once more
Just as we did when the youngsters were small;
Mother's a little bit grayer, that's all.
Father's a little bit older, but still
Ready to romp an' to laugh with a will.
Here we are back at the table again
Tellin' our stories as women an men.
Bowed are our heads for a moment in prayer;
Oh, but we're grateful an' glad to be there.
Home from the east land an' home from the west,
Home with the folks that are dearest an' best.
Out of the sham of the cities afar
We've come for a time to be just what we are.
Here we can talk of ourselves an' be frank,
Forgettin' position an' station an' rank.
Give me the end of the year an' its fun
When most of the plannin' an' toilin' is done;
Bring all the wanderers home to the nest,
Let me sit down with the ones I love best,
Hear the old voices still ringin' with song,
See the old faces unblemished by wrong,
See the old table with all of its chairs
An I'll put soul in my Thanksgivin' prayers.
Now I have to get off here and get some cleaning AND cooking done. Caylob just reminded me it is Thanksgiving eve. I knew it, but he just made it sink in a little more...lol. Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:12 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Family pictures.
We recently had our first family pictures taken since Jaycob was about a month old. Well....sadly he is now just about 19 months old. With Caylob we had family pics taken all the time. Or at least pictures of him every so often. I cannot even keep up with thier shot records now, much less when their pictures are taken...lol.
But we had a good friend of our's, Jodi, take them for us and she did a wonderful job. I was so excited to get them back. Plus she did some Christmas pics of the kiddos for me. They also turned out awesome as well!! The kids were not as cooperative the second time around tho. Oh well. They still turned out just the way I wanted them. She even added some things to them to Jazz them up a little. Those turned out really cute.
But here are some that she did. Enjoy and have a good one all!!

Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Ok seriously!
Well I feel now is the time to tell everyone what has been going on with me for the past probably month or so. I have not told many about it just for the sake of not knowing what is really going on.
Let me start out by telling you all that I have always suffered from heartburn. I have always just taken the medicine that they would give me and not think another thing about it. My dad has it and I figured it was hereditary. Well about a month ago I started getting a different kind of heartburn. One that did not go away with my usual medicine. I just knew that I was getting ulcers or something, but I did not want to go to the doc. I hate going to the doc., they always find something wrong with you. I know, I know, the reason you go to the doc is because there is something wrong with you. But I still don't like it. Anyways I just dealt with it for a little while. Meanwhile it was the month of October which is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I did a routine self check and wound up finding a lump on my right side. Breast cancer is in my family on both sides, I believe, so I got a little worried.
Well about 2 weeks ago I went to see my doctor and have her check me out. She started asking all kinds of things, about nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and a list of others. And as she was asking me I was thinking back, and come to find out I had been having most of them. In fact they were so bad the month before, nausea and fatigue, and all, that I thought I was pregnant. But I obviously I wasn't and I just started ignoring the symptoms. I chalked a lot of them up to being overweight. Well now lets get back on track with the doc. So she was asking me about these symptoms and I told her yes I was having them, so she had me lie on my back and she pressed on my right side under my rib cage. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!!! It shot a pain so bad into my back I wanted to hit her. Then she asked me if it hurt. I was like read the signs!! But yeah I told her it did and she told me that she would say that my gallbladder is not functioning properly. But to be on the safe side lets just try some new heart burn meds and see what happens,if in 2 wks the symptoms are still there, no questions asked, I have to have an ultrasound on my gallbladder. OK.
Then she did a breast exam and concluded that since it was a painful knot, that it may be a clogged duct, lets wait 2 weeks, take this anti inflammatory and apply heat 2xs a day, then come back in 2 weeks. If no change....ultrasound.
So off I go for 2 weeks diligent in applying heat and taking meds. And although the heartburn was less frequent, the pain was still bad. Also something told me to do another self check and I found 2 more lumps on my left breast, no pain. So I have been in a funk for about 2 weeks now.
I went to the doctor again yesterday. She pressed on me again, YEAH STILL HURTS! Then she checked on both of my breasts and concluded that I need ultrasounds on everything. She at first did not seem worried about the left side, but after she felt around a little more she kinda got quiet about them and did not mention anything else. Good way not to freak me out doc. Thanks! But I did ask her before she left the room and she told me not to get worried yet. Let's get these ultrasounds done and then we will talk.
If the ultrasound shows that my gallbladder is not functioning, she said that they will remove is. She also told me she is pretty sure that it will have to be removed, that is how confident she is that it is my gallbladder. Also the lump on my right breast may have to be removed just because it is painful. But not much was said about my left side. We will know more when we get the results of the ultrasound.
The answer to your question is Dec. 2. They are apparently closed all next week for Thanksgiving. Or they are booked up until then onw, I dunno. The wait is killing me tho. I don't like not knowing what is going on. BUT I am putting it in God's hand. I trust that He will take care of me,no matter what the outcome. The gallbladder does not bother me, that is an everyday outpatient procedure. It is the other issue that has me a little anxious.
So now there you have it. If I have been acting strange you know why now. Sorry if I have tho. I am not mad at anyone and I really thought that I was not showing my feelings that much. I did not want to tell anyone until I knew for sure. But even tho I don't know for sure I am telling you all now, so please pray, that all I have are cists and nothing more. Sorry for such a long post everyone.
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fun in the Leaves.
For the past few days it has been rainy and dreary around here. Oh yeah and cold too! But I feel like we have been cooped up in the house for ever. So today when I got home from picking Caylob up from school I decided to rake the yard, and then let the kids play in the pile when it was done. I always loved doing that when I was a kid and I knew that they would too.
Well halfway through the front yard I already had a blister and I began thinking to myself..."What have I gotten myself into?" It was freezing out there and I broke a sweat. That was crazy, my hands were frozen and my head was watering...lol. Yeah I did not think that there were that many leaves either. I did not even do the whole front yard!! Oh well the outcome was well worth it.
I figured that Liana would do her prissy bit and say no, but she was the first one to dive head first into the leaves. I could not help but to laugh, her hair was everywhere (nothing new) but it had leaves in it too! Then comes Caylob jumping in, he could not wait! Jaycob, my little daredevil was the skiddish one about it. Go figure. But as soon as he warmed up to it he loved it as well. I got my camera and took pictures. I love these kinds of memories.
After we came in we ate supper. Tonight was one of Caylob's favorite meals, Chicken and Dumplings. Turns out it is one of Liana and Jaycob's as well. Man tonight went so good because after supper they had a bath and were done before daddy got home. When he came in he wore them out a little bit more.
So the kids went to bed without any problems tonight and I think that they were asleep as soon as they hit their pillows. They were wore plum out!! Ha you can't get any cheaper entertainment than that for kids, AND wear them out as well. Plus you get a memory to boot. I told Caylob that we would have to do that again and he is convinced we are going to play in the leaves tomorrow night. You have to be careful what you say around him, he def. hears things different from what you mean...lol.
Either way here are some pics of our fun in the leaves. What are some fun memory making things that you all like to do with the kiddos?
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
To all of my readers!
Ok I have entered Caylob into a contest on a blog that I was introduced to by Tracy. The hard part is..... Kayla her daughter is entered too! Soooo here is the thing, I need you to go HERE and vote for Caylob. If you know both of us I understand if you vote for Kayla, she did do a great pic! BUT for all my family and friends go to the website and vote for Caylob, and while you are at it check out the blog,it is awesome AND they have some really cute stuff for sell on it.
In order to vote you have to leave a comment on who you like the best.
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 2:01 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
*LATE* Foto Friday
This is my sister Christy, my brother Rusty, and me this past September. It is rare to get all the siblings together considering we all live in different states!! Ha and that is my nephew Jamie peeking out from behind us. The only sibling that is not pictured is my little sister Jamie.
Have a good one all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Well I have not been updating on Jaycob that much, as far as him sleeping in his big boy bed. But that is because there has really been no change. He comes and gets in my bed still for the most part around 2am.
WELL the night before last he stayed in his bed till 4AM WOO!!!
THEN last night he stayed in his bed ALL NIGHT WOOHOO!!!!
I was almost in shock this morning when I got up!
Also Caylob got an alarm clock for his birthday and this morning was the first morning he got to use it. Well I for some reason kept hitting my snooze button this morning. Probably because I was enjoying my whole be ALL TO MYSELF because Frank had to go into work this morning! Ahem anyways I kept hitting the snooze button. I usually get up around 6:45 to get me and Caylob and the kiddos ready to leave by 7:30a.m. We take showers at night, that is how I get to sleep in later btw. Well anyways this morning I get up FINALLY at 7:03. I get dressed and walk out of my room. And to my surprise when I get to Caylob's room he is already dressed and Liana and Jaycob are already up and in good spirits! I was like OH YEA! Well I get the other two dressed and everyone's hair done and teeth brushed and we were out the door by 7:35. 5 mins earlier than we usually leave.
So needless to say this has actually been a pretty good day. I have been able to get some things done that needed to get accomplished. Now I have to go figure out what to do for dinner. Have a good one all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Foto Friday
'Four Footed Friends'
This is Sassy. And let me tell you the name fits her to the T! This picture was taken the first day we got her. That was when we were determined to find her a home. Well it turned out she fit right in to the household. So needless to say she is still with us today. HAHA but now she is probably twice that size and has grown into her ears!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:05 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Foto Friday
The choice for this week is "Bad Hair Day"
So here goes.....
Ok now anyone that knows us, knows that Liana is always one to have some funky hair days. I.E the "mohawk". She always has the flyaways. Bless her little heart =). I could not choose just one!
B.T.W Jaycob only stayed in his bed till midnight. Go figure! Oh well we will try again tonight!!
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:19 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Jaycob and The Big Boy Bed
Well last night he made it till about 4am. YAY!! That was better than I expected. We will see how far he goes tonight!
Also he used the potty 4 times today. I knew when he went because he would look up at me with the biggest smile on his face and then clap his hands! I was so proud of my little man! Every time Liana goes near the bathroom he wants to follow. And he has really been interested for a while. I just did not want to accept it. But now the thought is, "Wow he could be potty trained soon and no more diaper changes and better yet no more buying diapers for a while!!" "WOOHOO let's do this!"
Now on to Liana. She went back to the doc today and they ran more tests. She does have a bladder infection. But all of the other results will not come in till next week sometime. She actually ate tonight. We had pancakes for dinner, which was a success. She ate 2 and some fresh cut strawberries...YAY! Then she actually played for the first time in 5 nights! She also had a tint of color back in her cheeks. She actually looked alive. But then her fever started coming back and she got real fussy at bedtime. But hey I will take what I can get. She had her last round of Rocephin today, so maybe this stuff will clear up SOOOON!!!
This is going to be a quick post. Have a good one all! I will update on how long Jaycob stays in the bed tonight, tomorrow. Plus I am going to try and get some pics of little ole him in that BIG ole bed.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Testing the Waters
Well tonight we are testing the waters. Waters? We are trying Jaycob out in a new bed, well to him. A few months ago we got some new bunk beds for Caylob and so now that Caylob has gotten used to them, we are going to see about moving Jaycob out of our room and into Caylob's. Making it officially the BOY'S room. It is a milestone I kinda don't want, but am ok with going ahead with it, if that even makes since. My baby is growing up, but he is still my BABY kinda thing.
So anyways, we are going to try this tonight. I have been putting him down in there at nap time and he sleeps well. Funny thing is, he actually goes right to sleep for the most part when I do put him down in the big bed. And I mean really big bed for him. But I do not see him staying in there ALL night. Stranger things have happened tho and I might even be proven wrong. But we will see. I dunno.
Caylob is excited for this transition tho. I wasn't going to put Jaycob in there tonight, but Caylob pushed for it. He is such a good big brother. HAHA today the whole family went to Caylob's school to see a puppet show about Halloween (BOO!) but he was protective over his little brother and sister. He was selective about who could touch them. And during the show Liana sat between him and his little friend. They all had their arms around each other the whole time. I was just waiting for Caylob to stand up and say that the stuff in the show was evil and of the devil. But he kept quiet, I was happy and disappointed at the same time. I know I am confusing!!
Well now that we are completely OFF the subject I will give an update on Liana. Sadly I feel that she is getting worse. So far she has had two doses of Rocephin and is not getting any better. She is still running a fever and EVERY night after dinner, which she doesn't eat, she sits there and just shakes because she is sooooo cold. My heart aches for her and all I can do is sit there and just hold her. By the time she went to sleep tonight her eyes were red and swollen almost shut and watering like crazy AND she was pale as a ghost. I felt terrible for her. She fell asleep in my bed which is where she will stay tonight. I know I know that will spoil her, but oh well I don't care she needs it. She does have a doctor's appointment to actually see the doc tomorrow, I hope we can get her straightened out REALLY soon.
And Jaycob's little ear is still infected and still stinks. This is really the pits. I long for the day when there is no sickness in this house. What a day that will be!!
Well as for tonight that's all I have. I missed church which was a bummer =/ And Tracy I am sorry for not calling you, I lost your number. I wanted to I promise. But I will write more tomorrow sometime to let you know how things went.
Have a good one everyone!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Liana and the mystery illness.
Ok since Saturday night Liana has had a fever off and on. It has gotten as high as 103.3. Saturday night when it hit we gave her tylenol and it went away and then Sunday morning she had a small one again. More tylenol and she was fine all through the long church service and lunch afterwards. Then we came home Sunday and took a nap and when she woke up she had a high fever and kept a fairly high fever until today. I do not like to take her to a specific doc. that was in the office yesterday so I opted to wait until this morning. When we got in she was checked and then the doc looked at me and said I want to get some blood work on her in Dyersburg and then I want you to come right back here. I was like umm ok what is going on is it serious? She then told me that Liana either had an infection or MONO. OH GREAT!! That is soooo my rate of luck.
But anyway blood work was drawn and we are back in Newbern. Doc comes in and Liana's glands themselves have an infection in them, her right ear is infected, and she has a rash that needs attention on her bottom. She had to have a shot of that painful rosefen(sp?) and then another one tomorrow, then again on Thursday....bummer. SO please pray for her to feel better soon. She has had the shakes from being so cold due to fever for two nights now. When I put her down she was running fever. She is pitiful. I feel sooooo bad for her. Jaycob also has an ear infection in the right ear, and Frank did too. Weird huh?
Either way please pray for her and have a good one all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:43 PM 1 comments
The Big 05!!!
Happy Birthday to CAYLOB!!!!
Today my little man turned 5. I cannot believe that this day has come so fast. I feel like I just had him and now he is 5. Not only that he is going to school and trying to read on his own. They do not teach reading in pre-k. He is growing up so very fast and all I can do is cherish each passing day.
He could not wait for today to get here. Everyday for 2 months I heard this, "Mommy, tomorrow and I going to be 5?" I had to break his little heart every time. Then finally last night when he asked I was able to say YES and he was sooooo happy...lol. I love him so much, he is so funny. He told EVERYONE he saw today that he is 5. The janitor came in the room today while I was there for his party in his class and he mentioned it to him. The funninest thing tho, we had pizza tonight, per his request and as we were at the window ordering at Little Ceasars, he looks at the girl and says, "Hey you girl!" she looks in the window and says,"Hey cutie what's up?" and he says, " I am 5 today, did you know that already?" I just laughed and so did she.
When we got home from our errands the phone was ringing off the hook for him. After the first two, which he cut short, he looked at me and told me he was tired of talking on the phone and that he had already been sung to. He did not want anymore singing. HA we sang to him again after dinner, when I gave him his (also requested) chocolate birthday cake.
He had a pretty big day. I asked him if he had enjoyed his birthday today and he was quick to tell me yes, this was the bestest day!! He also asked me if he was going to be turning 6 when we have his birthday on Nov. 1. I could not help but laugh. It just cracks me up how their minds think. He was sure that today was his birthday and he was 5 and at his party, which meant another birthday, he was going to turn 6.
I got to thinking the other day about what life was like before little man blessed us with his presence. And there is not much to remember. That is how much of an impact a child can make in one's life! I thank God every day for the joy and the honor of being chosen to raise His child.
So happy 5th birthday Caylob, Mommy loves you very much!!!!
Here are a few pictures from when he woke up this morning and also some of his party from school.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:09 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 1:10 PM 2 comments
Will This Ever End?!
Ok here is the background for the past month. Frank and I have both had bronchitis and the kids have been coughing a lot with runny noses. Well we finally decided to get medical attention and were on the path to feeling better!! Frank and I are good and Liana and Caylob have pretty much stopped coughing. But little ole Jaycob, my little sickly one. Well he is still coughing and his nose is still running like a faucet. Yesterday I was playing with him and I noticed a bad smell in his right ear. I decided I would try a swab in the opening and see if I get anything out. I did not go into his ear, but nothing came out. So I decided that it was ok. He is a little fussy but not like he used to be with ear infections. Well this morning when we got up I could smell it again and when I turned his head to look, there was fluid semi running out of it. "OH GREAT!!!!!", I said and Liana looks at me and says, "What Mom?". I was like, "Don't say what to Mommy, and go get Daddy" Liana, "ok Mommy". I could not help thinking to myself, "Will this ever end!?!?"
Well I took him to the doc turns out the drops that I had already put in his ears is what she was going to tell me to do! So I did the right thing! And she also told me to give him a breathing treatment 4 times a day. That would help him stop coughing.
The whole time that we were at the doctor's office he was acting so cute and of course wooing the ladies. I was so proud of him for being a big boy! He did not cry one time. Usually when anyone in scrubs comes near him in the office he screams! But not today, he talked to them and smiled and laughed at them. He also weighs 24ilb. He is such a big boy!.
So that is the health part of things that have been going on. Other things going on that has hendered my blogging time is I have been keeping the kids for my M.I.L for the past 2 weeks. I have enough time to get on here read some email and maybe a blog or two. And by the time I have gotten done with that I have some WWE wrestling going on in my living room. I really need some calgon to take me away. I am sooooo ready for school to be back in!!!
Prayer request: Please pray for Ricky, he has what I believe is some demons working on him and he really has some personal issues that need prayer. He is an easy target for sinful things and he needs all the prayer that we can give him. Thank you!
But this is all the time I have for today we a have repair man coming to fix the bathroom door and my A.C is leaking on the carpet so he has to fix that too. This is a rental home and the landlord is getting someone to get in here and do it. The bathroom door and frame have to be replaced because it was not done right to begin with. So have a good day all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Foto Friday!
I know, I am a lamo for not posting more than I have this week. I am watching my MIL's kiddos and this week has proven to be more than I expected, to say the least. So I have not had much time to do any posting.
So now it is time for the theme of the week.
Oh I love this time of year!!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Foto Friday!
Ok Tracy's pick for Foto Friday this week is "relaxing"
HMMMMM this is a hard one.
Ok here is one. This was taken on the beach this past vacation I went on Sept. of 08'. My Dad and I along with Cora, Pascha, and Brian all got up at 6:30am and went to watch the sunrise on the beach. It was beautiful and I got to watch it with my Dad. That made it special and a memory I will never forget. After the sun rose we walked a little on the beach and looked for shells.
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:06 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
~~Growing Up!!~~
Before After
Well that time has come, well it has actually been here for a while, I just was in denial. The time for Jaycob's first hair cut!! Yep Mommy finally agreed that it was time. He was getting a little scraggly there for a bit. I was trying my hardest to wait until his hair grew more on top, so that it would be more even. Duh me that cutting made it look so much better and guess what! It evened his hair out. I am not all there some times. But yeah my BABY had his first haircut. My heart was breaking because that just meant one more step to growing up. But I am glad we did, he looks so good with his new do.
It was cute because every time I would touch him with the clippers he would laugh. His expression was, "Um what is that thing and why is it making that noise" But he could not help to laugh. Of course it took forever because he would scrunch his neck up and back away, but I expected that. The sad part is, I like to save things and hair from the first haircut is one of them, and I could not get hardly any hair to save because there was hardly any there. It was just to long in the back. The top was still kinda bald. But I got SOME hair and we all made it through his first hair cut.
I still cannot bring myself to even trim Liana's. It is getting soooo long though. I am gonna have to bite the bullet and get it trimmed soon.
This is the sad amount of hair I was able to cut. Sorry for the glare, it is in a baggie.
Either way have a great day all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:30 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Yes I am still alive...barely!!
Hi all,
I know it has been forever since I have actually posted, but I have had this cold for going on 2 weeks now. I haven't had much to say. I think I have what Mindy had a month or so ago...blah!
Either way we had a blast on vacation. Even though we went to the beach, we did not even get tans. Why you ask? Well lets see it rained or was cloudy all but 2 days...lol. And then the first day it was not cloudy dumb ole me wound up with a burn AFTER applying spf 50 lotion. Leave it to me!! But the other sunny day, we all went to the beach and were digging in the sand and lo an behold this beach patrol pulls up and tells my Mom that we should probably get out of the water because there was some bateria in it. That was also why there was an unusual amount of sea foam, which by the way is not a pretty color of green at all. More like yuck brown if ya ask me. Nobody got sick from it though thankfully. Usually it is my clan that would get deathly ill from something like that. Other than the beach part and not getting tan, the rest of the trip was great. We were able to visit family and spen time with my Dad and Cora and my sis and her new hubby Brian. He was very nice. We also got to spend time with my Mom and brother and sister and my niece and nephew. I love spending time with the family. We actually got to see more than this but the list would be really long so I will cut it short.
I was able to see my Aunt for the last time. It was of course bitter sweet. I know that she is leaving this world, but I also have peace knowing that I will see her again in Heaven. So I am ok with her passing. BTW please continue to pray for her and her comfort. Also pray for my family as we are loosing a dear member of our family. For those who do not know, she is in the final stages of C.O.P.D. And we just want her to be comfortable. Thanks for all the prayers already.
But either way this trip was great, I was sick and could not breath the whole time, but I did not let it slow me down.....much..lol.
Now we are back and into the swing of things. The car rides to and from really did a number on us. We will never do that again BTW. 16 hours in a car with three little ones is not a good combo.
Haha we left on Sunday at 12:30 and did not get in until 4am on Monday. And little ole Caylob still wanted to go to school on that day. They said he was not ill at all and did very well considering. He is such a good boy. They all did very well, except Jaycob screamed every time we got in the van for about 3 days. He was scared we would never get out...lol :p
Well everyone have a good one!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Foto Friday
Funny Faces!!
This is Caylob (NOT JAYCOB) when he was 7 almost 8 months old. Apparently he was caught off guard when this pic was taken. Oh so cute!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
6 Year Anniversary.
Well today, Sep. 14th 2008, Frank and I have been married for 6 whole years. Sometimes it seems like it has not been that long at all. And then there are times that I cannot imagine what life was like without him and it feels like we have been together forever. He is my everything.
All I can say is that I thank God everyday for choosing the perfect man for me. Some may think he is dorky or weird, but he is mine and I love him dearly.
Have a good one guys!! We are headed out this evening for VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
So yeah um ok, I had to get that out of my system, can you tell I am a little excited =)
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:39 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Foto Friday
A friend of mine came up with the idea of Foto Friday and she is going to give a theme every week.
This week is FUNNY so here goes.....
This was at McDonalds the last time the kids and I went to visit my parents in GA. Notice all the adults?... That is my Dad coming down the slide and running into my nephew while Cora is trying to get out of the way I think. And that is little ole Caylob going up the play set on the right.
Good times, good times!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 1:47 PM 3 comments
I Hate Packing!!!!!
Well this Sunday evening, since we do not have church, my family and I are leaving for vacation!! I have not been on an actual vacation in forever. We are headed to Myrtle Beach and also Wilmington NC (also on the beach). We are so excited and not having evening service really helps out.
This is going to be the first time my Mom gets to meet Jaycob and actually the first time we have seen her in like 2 years or more. Longer for Frank. He has not seen her since our wedding I believe. HAHA funny thing is, this Sunday is our 6th anniversary!!! YAY!!!! So not only is this vacation this is actually a family reunion, and an anniversary celebration. My Dad and Mom (step) are going to be in Myrtle Beach at a timeshare and my Mom (birth mother) lives in NC along with my aunts and also my brother.
The ONLY thing I cannot stand about vacation is PACKING and UNPACKING. You never get everything you need and when you get home it all has to be put up!! Luckily both place that we are staying at has a washer and dryer so that when we get home all that needs to be done is clothes being put in the drawers.
Oh well I will deal with it because the vacation will well make up for the frustration.
Have a good day all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Tribute to those who's lives were lost on 9/11/01.
You say you will never forget where you were when
you heard the news On September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.
I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room
with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I
held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the
peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it
is OK..I am ready to go.'
I was with his wife when he called as she fed
breakfast to their children. I held her up as she
tried to understand his words and as she realized
he wasn't coming home that night.
I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a
woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been
knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said.
'Of course I will show you the way home - only
believe in Me now.'
I was at the base of the building with the Priest
ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He
heard my voice and answered.
I was on all four of those planes, in every seat,
with every prayer. I was with the crew as they
were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the
believers there, comforting and assuring them that their
faith has saved them.
I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , Afghanistan .
I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news.
Did you sense Me?
I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew
every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me
for the first time on the 86th floor.
Some sought Me with their last breath.
Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the
smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take
my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
But, I was there.
I did not place you in the Tower that day. You
may not know why, but I do. However, if you were
there in that explosive moment in time, would you have
reached for Me?
Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey
for you . But someday your journey will end. And I
will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may
be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are
'ready to go.'
I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.
Oddly just a year before this happened I was staying in the hotel across the street that was destroyed. I walked through and shopped in the WTC everyday.
Something cool tho is this ship was built out of some of the remnants of the WTC.
Have a good day all and remember to pray for the families of those lost on 9-11-01
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Trip Down Memory Lane!
Ok I have proof now that I used to be skinny folks. Lol I was looking through an old photo album from high school and as I saw myself in these photos all I could think was, "WHOA I was skinny!!!" I had some really big issues in high school where I thought I was as big as I am now. That is how I saw myself then. I can't say that I don't regret not keeping up with the way I used to live my life then either. I did some kind of exercises EVERYDAY. I had some ppl tell me that I did not need it that I looked good and to stop worrying. I really did look good and I am now determined more than ever to get back down to that size. BTW I had already had issues before and had gotten really big at a young age so I had to work really hard to get to my lowest size. I can do it again!!
I started gaining weight when my Mom started to get sick and we did not know what was going on with her. Then after she passed away I really ballooned. Then in the same year I lost a baby through miscarriage and that was devastating on my weight. The next year was better I married the LOVE of my life. Then not 6 months after we got married I was pregnant with Caylob and we had to move to T.N. WOW I went through a lot within 2-3 years and I obviously could not handle the stress. I also did not have God in His place in my life then either. He had a reason for me coming to T.N. I joined the best church in Dyersburg and got to meet some of the nicest ppl in the world. The young girls that were at my church did not judge me like the young girls back home would have. There were three girls in particular that just made me feel so welcome, and they were my support while I was coping with being away from home.
Now here is the kicker, I need to take the advice of a good sermon I heard preached a little while ago. It may not have been the point of the message BUT what stood out was the GET OVER IT part. I need to stop stressing and just get over it. All this stress does is sends food straight to places it does NOT belong.
So here is my pact. Starting today I am going to start LOOSING this weight. Now I have an obligation because I have announced it. I am not putting a time on it I am just going to loose it at my own pace. I am ready to take my life back over and tell the weight to get out. I am tired of being self conscious and hindered from doing things I like, like going to the fair and riding rides with my kids (Caylob wants to go sooo bad!!) or just being able to take them outside and just play with them. I am going to make a change.
Please pray for me that I can do this!! Sorry this one is so personal =)
Here are some pics to give you an idea how small I really was. This is my proof!!...LOL
These pics were scanned so they may not be that good of quality.
This is my sister and I goofing off with my Mom.
I was at my sister's house in this one and my nephew had done something goofy. Yes I know the shorts were a little short, but I was more dressed than girls now a days.
I was in the Miss Golden Eagle pageant. This was I believe in 98'. Of course I did not win, I was not popular enough.
Then this was my Senior pic. I graduated in 00'. See I used to be tan...HAHAHA. WOW look you can see my collar bones!!
Enjoy your day everyone!!!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:22 AM 5 comments