Sunday, June 29, 2008


I sent out emails, but I also wanted to put it on here that Frank requested that I take our last name off the internet. I am sorry for the confusion guys.

My Preacher Boy

Well first off Caylob has learned ALL of his books of the Bible...YAY!!!! I am so very proud of him that I can barely contain myself.

Today at church we had a turn around service which meant we were at church for most of the day. Reason we were at church so long was because the months with 5 Sundays in them we always come to morning service, then we go downstairs for dinner, and then we go back upstairs for some popcorn preaching. Well this morning Caylob and I spent a good 15-20 mins. trying to figure out which suit he was going to wear today. He wanted to wear one that in my opinion was to small, but hey he was so excited for this day that I let him wear it, with the stipulation that this was the LAST time. And that we had to put it up for Jaycob after this. He agreed and got dressed without a bunch of hassle. Off we went, and BTW for the first time we were on time and that is with me cooking breakfast and a meal for dinner at church.

I was downstairs helping get things set up and Caylob comes down and wants to tell Mrs. Ann ALL his books of the Bible, so he starts and of course there was a crowd around him. Well anyone that knows Mrs. Ann, knows that she is very emotional, and she asked him with tears in her eyes to say them in front of the church. He wanted to do this anyway, so he gladly agreed. And during morning service he got up there and rattled them off without a problem. The cutest part is when he runs out of breath, he gasps and then goes right back at it.

Well after service we are downstairs eating and Mrs. Ann comes and tells me that she has talked to her boys in her Sunday school class, and told them that if they wanted to preach in the popcorn preaching they could. They just needed to let someone know. And she kinda brought the idea up that Caylob should get up there if he wanted to. I told her that it was fine with us and she asked him. He of course said yes. Anytime that Bro. Jeremy asks if anyone has a testimony or just something to say, Caylob always wants to say something, and most of the time it is a little message. And those "little messages" are the ones that just remind me that God is good and that he is working in my 4 year old's life more than I know. I cannot explain the feelings I get when I hear him talk about God. And he sings about Him too.

Well Mrs. Ann prayed with Caylob before it was time for him to go up and preach, and they asked God to give Caylob a good message. And as we were sitting there waiting on Caylob's turn every time someone else was called he would look at me and say, " Mommy I am supposed to go up there, when is it going to be my turn?" I asked him what he was going to preach about and he said, " God and Jesus." Then finally his name was called. Caylob stands up and walks to the front, gets up on the pulpit, and all while Mommy has followed him up there with the camera. He looks at me and says,"Mom what are you doing?" and has this look on his face like I cannot believe you are going to film this. Well he is handed the mic and first thing he says is ,"AMEN" like he was foxing to preach a revival or Then silence. I mean for like a solid minute. Bro. John says, "Well Caylob what are you going to preach about today? Why don't you tell them what you told me a few minutes ago?"...silence. Then after a few more awkward moment Bro. John asks him to say his books of the Bible again. This suited Caylob just fine and he did fine after that. He is so funny. I think that he choked because I threw him off when I went up there with the camera. But oh well at least he tried right? I am sure there will be many more times he will give his little sermons about what God has done for him. I am just thankful that he is so interested at such a young age.

Here is the video I got of him saying his Books. Enjoy!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Due to my post yesterday and saying that I was OCD about some things, it really got me thinking about all the things I really am OCD about. I seriously think I have something wrong with

I have to have everything even.If I get the kids something they have to get the same amount of things. That better change get before they get older when things start costing more the older they get.

2.If Frank kisses me he has to smack or I have to make him do it over. Not just smack, but smack at the same time I do. How retarded is that. He loves to tease me with that one.

3. Another thing, he has to kiss me before bed and when he leaves or I just don't function right.

4. If he does not say bye before he leaves I get mad. Mostly because I want to know when he is gone, so that I can listen out for the kiddos better.

5. Ok this one is weird, I play with my fingernails and flick them. I have to touch my thumb with each nail first, then turn around and touch each nail with my thumb.

Oh my goodness I cannot believe that I am sharing this. But here is more.

6. I cannot stand for the sheet to be untucked, and Christi G. if you read this I am sorry I know you like your untucked, but I cringe when you talk about

7. If Frank's fitted sheet corner comes off the bed, as it does almost every night if it does not have a snap dealy thing to keep it on, I go INSANE. I have to get out of the bed and fix it while he just lays there and laughs his head off!!!!! Makes me mad, mad, mad. Also he does not care if the bed is a wreck and sheets are all tucked and everything. No not me I have to have clean straight sheets and I make my bed everyday.

8. I have my ways about getting the house clean. Frank says that I am haphazord. But if I go to put something up in a room and I see something that needs to be done, I do it then because I cannot stand to leave something undone.

9. When I get groceries the less trips from the car to the house I have to make the better. SO I grab as many, if not all, of the bags that I can. (Frank hates that one, especially when I was preggo)

10. YES I do check the doors at least twice before bed and I cannot go to sleep if I do not. I just lay there thinking did I check it, what if it is unlocked.

11. I cannot stand for the kids doors to be closed at night, I feel like we cannot get to them soon enough if something were to happen.

There are probably many more, but I already sound like a nutcase, so I am gonna call it quits. See what I mean about the whole needing help

What are some of you all's OCDs?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

An amusing week thus far....

Well let me just give you some details first:

1. I have been trying to work with Liana on her shapes for a couple of weeks, and we have a book that we look at with the shapes in it.

2. She absolutely hates when I try to put the camera on her. She freezes up and has the funniest faces, it is hilarious.

Ok so Monday we were going over her shapes with the book and she was really saying them clearly. OF COURSE I am so proud and I go grab the camera to record her. I barely waked in the room and all I heard was "NO". So I sat down and started asking her to say them and this is the outcome. Please excuse the shape the book is in. Jaycob really likes to eat on the books.

After we get done working with shapes I recorded Caylob on his Books of the Bible. We were doing really well and he has gotten to James in the New Testament. I am so proud of him, I mean 4 years old and already knows most of the books of the Bible. He is truly a blessing and I believe he fully trusts that the Lord will take care of him. He inspires many people around him. I had a friend of mine just last night brag on him to his coworker about Caylob's testimony he likes to give in church.

Did I mention that he WAS doing well until that happened. I could have kicked Frank btw!!

Anyways I can't put a video up of those two without having one of Jaycob. I am OCD about that kind of stuff I guess. I was trying to close the dishwasher door and Jaycob was pushing it back down. It was so funny. Please disregard how I look in the video, I was bumming that

This has been an amusing week so far as you can tell. Without my kids my life would be a total bore I

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gourmet Breakfast

So this morning I woke up and decided that I was going to cook a "gourmet" breakfast for my family. I decided on sausage and cheese omelets with hash browns, Huddle House/Waffle House style, and I even wanted to try to do some biscuits too. Well I get up and get dressed and get the kids dressed. Then I decided a load of clothes needed to be started, so I started them and took the garbage out to the road because it will be picked up today. So finally at 8:30 I am ready to get started. Frank had to leave for a dr. appt. around 9:30 or 9:45. "This should not take that long" I tell him and off I go cooking. Well about 45MIN to an HOUR later I was done. And I did not even get to do the biscuits!!! Now I never said that I knew how to cook breakfast, so let me tell you how it turned out. The omelets were OKAY, the best tasting part of the breakfast, but I added WAY to much cheese to them. The hash browns were so stuck to the pan that it took me 15 mins. to clean them out of it. My kitchen was so smoky I could barely breath. And HALF the food wound up in the trash!!! Yeah I can cook dinner and it taste wonderful, but I have never been able to cook breakfast and it taste that good, but at least I try right?

So yeah this breakfast experience has really inspired my decision for lunch........SANDWICHES!!!

New topic, Frank has hurt his back and actually had to go to the E.R on Monday night, we were there till 3 a.m. and they called it a strain. He went to the doctor and now he has to have a M.R.I and she thinks it is a bulging disk and he cannot work until he has that done on Monday. This is so not even cool. We cannot afford him being off so long plus I know he is in pain and I don't like to see him hurt like this. Please pray that this is taken care of quickly.

Jaycob's crying really has not gotten much better since the tubes were put in, so I have absolutely NO CLUE as to why he cries so much. I decided to get the swing out today, because I remember how much he used to love it. So I put him in it and he go nuts. Laughing and he even figured out that rocking back and forth would make him go higher. He almost knocked the thing over twice. So I know th
at he is happy and I go off to do whatever I need to get done. Then Krissy comes to me and says, " Jennifer you should look at Jaycob." I am like OH my goodness he has tipped himself over and I go running and this is what I find. Now this only a couple of minutes after I walk away. Too cute!! I love him so much.

Then last night after we have o
ur prayer time we go to put Liana in the bed and this is what we find there. She got mad and started shooing them off the bed it was so funny!!

We never have a dull moment in this house.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

I just want to say that I could not have asked God for a better Daddy to my children than the one he chose for me. I know that I should praise him every day but today on Father's I will brag a little more on him. He told me he knew that he wanted me to be his wife when he saw how good I was with kids, because he wanted the best for his kids. So before they were even thought about he was already doing what was in the best interest of his children. It got even better when we started having them. Every time I would come to him and let him know I was pregnant there was a look on his face of utter excitement. He was always happy to hear the news and still would be ecstatic to hear it today!! Probably not gonna happen for a while

The kids absolutely love their daddy. He is the light of their day when he comes home from work, and even when he is exhausted from a long shift of hard labor, he still musters up some energy to play with them. He is a compassionate Daddy, the kids don't just come to Mommy for comfort they know that they can go to Daddy and he can kiss away the hurt, maybe not as good as Mommy, but he will do ;) But they still know when Daddy means business.

He is also a man of God and is firm that we will raise our kids in God. I love that about him. And for this we are already seeing God work in our oldest ones life. At night when we have our devotions I just love to watch him read God's word to our kids it warms my heart to see him feeding our children with the spiritual knowledge to help them grow in God's Will.

My husband is a great provider as well. We may not have all we want but we have all we need. We have our family and God in our lives.

So in closing Frank you are a wonderful husband and an even better Daddy, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.

I also wanted to say that I have the greatest Dad in the world. He has been there for me at all times in my life, when I called him he was there. He still is today. Not everyone's Dad calls them everyday just to see how they are doing and how the kids are. He loves all of his grandchildren with all his heart. I love him and miss him so much. So HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DADDY!!! I wish I could have been down there with you.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jaycob's Tubes

Well we made it. he is done and we are home and he was such a trooper. The procedure only took maybe 30 mins. for the tubes and molding the ear plugs. The doctor did say that Jaycob had a double ear infection (nothing new) and that because of this the tempanic membrane was 10x the thickness it should of been. Due to the swelling there was of course a little more bleeding than usual and he had blood coming out of his ears when we were brought back to the recovery room. He also suctioned a lot of fluid from behind Jaycob's ears that had the infection in it. So the doctor told us that we may still see some blood coming from his ears for a little while and that he will probably have drainage from his ears for a couple of days. But other that the ear infections and the extra bleeding everything was just as it should have been.

When Jaycob was in the recovery room he was ill for the first 30 mins. As soon as he saw me he said MAMA and held his arms out for me. My heart melted of course. But after about 30 mins and some apple juice with a side of graham cracker he was up and walking and you could not even tell he had just had surgery. He was given pain med in the surgery room and I have given him some since we have been home so I don't think he has had much pain, but only time will tell. So we are still somewhat debating on going to church tonight, but I am thinking not just for his comfort.

I am so happy to have this day over with. I just pray that it will bring some relief from all the crying. The real test will be if he starts sleeping through the night *fingers crossed*.

But I am wiped out and am going to take a nap for a bit with the rest of the family, yes you read that right the rest of the family, everyone is asleep at the same time and I am taking FULL advantage!!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Strep all around!!

Well go figure all 5 of us had strep throat. Dot is at the doc. now getting her kids checked. That was a time taking 6 kids to the doctors office to find out that three of them had strep and then they all had to get shots. So here is how we did it, it was funny. Frank kept the big guys out in the lobby while I took our three in the back, mind you the whole time Caylob is telling me,"Mommy I am not sick and I DO NOT need a shot. Are they going to give me a shot Mommy?" Yeah that made me feel horrible and all I could tell him is that we don't know until the test results come back. Then of course they came back all positive. That is my rate of luck. Anyways they all had to get a shot. Oh yeah and Jaycob STILL has an ear infection in his left ear. But back to the shots, as soon as Caylob hears this he just starts panicking and the other two are just looking at him like what? So I ask him if he wants to go first and get it over with or last. He chose last and I was kinda glad so the other two did not see him scream his head off. Well we started the shots, first was Jaycob and then I took him out to Frank in the waiting room. He barely cried at all. Then came Liana and she cried a little more but still not much. The doctor took him out to Frank. And then it was Caylob's turn. OH NO his world was over then. He screamed so loud that they heard him in the waiting room and the doctor stayed in the waiting room with the kids and FRANK came back to the room. Well we all have to go sit and wait for 15 mins. to make sure there was no reaction and Caylob is just balling saying she shot him too hard and in turn Liana pipes in every once in a while with a whaa. And then the nurse brought out Popsicles to all the kids. Now how nice was that. I have never know a doctors office to be so nice. I really do like them. But either way they all shut up when they got the popcicles. Caylob two days later still says he was not sick.

Update: Just got a call from Dot and her kids have it too!!! This is so NOT cool.

But as far as my family goes I believe we are all good and definitely feeling better. Caylob is not near as whinny and Jaycob is toddling off by himself playing. Liana is just herself. I think she gets more prissy as each day passes.

I just pray that nobody at church got sick from us =/

Well gotta go for now Jaycob has left a most unpleasant surprise in his diaper for me......

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I know this has taken forever for me to write another blog, but here lately I just feel like BLAH. I cannot get myself motivated to do anything and I certainly do not want to get on here and whine about my life. But I do want to explain some things. If I do not seem to be acting "myself" here lately it is because there are some things going on that makes me feel like I am in a never ending downward spiral. Well anyone that knows me knows that my family and I have had a pretty tough past couple of years i.e. a scarey pregnancy, a blown transmission, some other personal things, Jaycob has literally cried most of his life, making life in the household at time unbearable, and now Frank has gotten a demotion at work. Not just a demotion but a $2 an hour pay cut, so if anyone knows someone hiring let us The whole issue I have with this demotion is that the guys that made the decision really did him wrong. They have never liked Frank, because he is not one to cut up and just run a product as fast as it can go. No Frank wants to take a little more time and make sure quality is good and they chose to let drug addicts keep their position. Why is it always the good guy that gets pooped on? Ok there is my vent. It just makes me mad.

But out of this I really have been getting closer to God. We have had a ton of conversations in the past couple of weeks. I was really stressing about what we are going to do for money because it would cost us more for me to get a job because of daycare. But he has really eased my fears and we have actually heard of a few good paying jobs that he is going to apply for. The only problem is they could take a whole to get on at these places. So in the mean time he is going to try and get a part time job. Things are going to be ok I just need to have more faith in Him. I know that he will take care of my family. I know that if He leads us to it He will lead us through it.

Also some other good news is that Jaycob is getting his tubes put in his ears on Monday. I pray that this will ease most of the crying. I will not know what to do with myself without him following me around the house screaming bloody mercy. Yes that truly happens he just does not do it out in public. Go figure.

WARNING: Frank and I have had strep throat we are not sure about the kids. We have a doctor's appointment today to check them. I honestly thought that I had some sinus issues over the weekend that is why I came to church Sunday morning. Frank thought he had sun poisoning that is why he stayed home. But I did not feel well enough to come Sunday night. Frank did not get any better, I did somewhat, but he went to the doc on Tue. he had strep and they told me to come in the next day and of course I had strep. Funny thing is I never have a positive strep test unless my son has surgery scheduled for the following Monday!!!! And watch all the kids will have it too. "Think positive Jennifer" ANYWAYS I just wanted to let everyone that I was around on Sunday know that I am very sorry and I honestly did not know.

Thank you guys for reading my vent. I am sorry to be so long but I needed that off my chest. Next post will be a more uplifting one I hope!!!