Friday, December 12, 2008
Kids are so funny!
Ok well it is 1am and I am still up because I have 2 children that think that they MUST sleep in my bed when Daddy works nights. So now that I have gotten them back into bed I must wait up to make sure they go to sleep and not wait till I go to sleep, and come back to my room. Sneaky little guys.
Anyways since I am up, and the news about little Kailey's body being possibly found is so depressing so I don't really want to watch it, I decided I would blog about the conversation that I heard this evening. It was bed time and I was getting the kids to clean up the toys like every night and they were in Liana's room tidying up a bit. Well they have a Sesame Street toy that is really for babies, we call them stand up toys because babies learn to stand with them, and it is annoying when they sit there and press the same thing over and over. So I keep hearing it and finally I hear Caylob speak up. This is how the conversation went. BTW Caylob has been carrying around his new Bible all night letting me know that it is the Word of God and the Word of God is a sword. I love it!
Caylob: Sissy do you want me to cut you with this sword?
Mommy's ears start to burn on this one just waiting on what was next, I was in the living room btw and they had no clue I was listening.
Caylob: This is God's word and it is a sword and it will cut you and then you will believe in Jesus.
Now mind you I was picturing him in there waving his Bible at her and she is ignoring him all the while pushing the same button on this Sesame Street toy.
Caylob: Sissy are you bored?
Liana: No I Sissy
Caylob: No Sissy, I said SISSY are you bored?
Liana: NO Cayob I said I Sissy! Frustration mounting here
Caylob with the same frustration: No Sissy, I was asking you if you were bored.
Still pressing the same button... Liana: OH! Ok....Nope
I could just see the light bulb above her head come on. And I could not help but to laugh. And that was the end of the conversation. I thought Caylob was about to preach to her to begin with and it ended like.... yeah ok whatever and they were done, even though I was waiting on a sermon, it was still too funny! The funniest thing is. Liana is really smart and pretty much knows what you are saying, but she has her Daddy in her and if you do not ask the question specifically, you WILL get a run around answer. That is soooooo her Daddy!
Either way I found it amusing, hope you did too. I am off to bed now, praying that they are asleep. (crossing fingers)
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Foto Friday.
This is a picture that Jodi did for us and she added the exact thought I had at the moment she took the picture.
I know I know mushy. Oh well, what can I say, I love him!
He is the love of my life, but these guys right here have allowed me to form a love like no other. Sometimes they may not know it is love, but most times it is the best love in the world. All Mommies know what kind of love I am talking about!
Have a good one all!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:24 PM 2 comments