Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Caylob!!

Well I am a little late posting this but....6 years ago today I gave birth to one of the most incredible little boys on this earth. I know that is bias, but I am allowed to be when it comes to my own right? =)

I cannot believe how time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. And NO it is not because we did just bring an infant home from the hospital ;) But I still remember every part of the day he was born. He was a perfect little butter ball. Just as chunky as can be. Weighing in at 10lbs even and 21inches long. No wonder I was having trouble breathing at the end.

Caylob spoiled Daddy and I tho. He was the perfect baby. Hardly cried and was smart as a whip from day one. And is still going strong. The child basically taught himself how to read. He knew his books of the Bible by the time he was 4. And still amazes me with little things everyday. His comprehension is out of this world. I just pray that it stays that way. He is a handsome little man.

I think that the thing I am the most proud about is his love for the Lord. He is so passionate about reading the Bible and learning about God. He has taught me some things =)

There are a million other things I wish I could say, but I don't think that there is enough space to put it all =) Can you tell I am a proud Momma?!!

So Happy 6th Birthday my BIG boy Mommy loves you!!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

HE is here.

Well I know that it has been forever and a day, but there have been some big changes in the household since the last time I posted!! We now have 4 kids!!!

Elijah James was born on October 12th, 2oo9 at 7:54 am. He was 9lbs 6
oz and measured 19 inches long. He has a head full of dark hair, and the chubbiest little cheeks!! I love it.

He is a little angel only cries when he is hungry or needs to be changed. He has really settled in nicely with our chaos in the home. He sleeps well at night too....woohooo! Now I know that will probably change, but I am def. taking advantage right now.

The delivery went nicely. Of course it was c-section, but usually in Dyersburg they could never get a spinal block to take so I had to be put to sleep with Caylob and Liana. They did get the spinal to take for Jaycob, but that was in Jackson. So I was really nervous that I was going to have to be put to sleep for this one. But luckily they now have a new anesthesiologist named Kevin and he is awesome!! He got the spinal to take and I was able to see Elijah right away. When I have to be put to sleep, I seem to loose a whole day just trying to wake up.

Of course with this pregnancy we did not find out the gender until bday. And EVERYONE thought I was having a girl. I cannot say the thought did not cross my mind that I would be having a little girl. So when they announced that we had a little boy, I was a little surprised. Only a little tho, because I really had no clue. But he was perfect!! I could not ask for more. Not with any of my children.

We got to come home on Wed. I went in on Monday to have him. Unfortunately I was released early on Wed. but Elijah's doc. got held up ALL day long and he did not get released until 7pm that night. I had a spinal headache, which I would not wish on my worst enemy btw, and I just wanted to go home. I was there by myself, b/c Frank had to go and get the other three so that Ms. Tracy could get to church. So that was kind of a bump in the happy road home, but when we finally got home and had our whole family together, the whole ordeal was soon forgotten =)

I just wanted to say a special thank you to Mrs. Tracy and Bro. Jeremy for watching Caylob, Liana, and Jaycob while I was in the hospital. They had a blast and miss Ms. Tracy house!! It is too funny. It felt really good knowing that they were being so well taken care of =)

My parents came up on Thur. and just went home today (Sunday). It felt really good having them here to help. I feel like I did not get to spend that much quality time with them. The kids had a ball with their Paw Paw and Grammy tho!!! They have really had a big week. I really hated seeing them leave, I think I bawled for a solid 10 mins. Then I had to pull myself together, the kids were getting worried =) LOL Frank unfortunately had to go back to work on Friday, so I am here by myself with the kids today. I realllllly wish that I could drive and take us to church. I would love to be able to hear some good preaching today. So I guess I will just have to get lost in His word while the kiddos are sleeping.

Well I guess that is all I can post for right now. A hungry little tummy is calling out for Mommy. I will try to post more, but do not hold your breath waiting on me.....=)

For now here are a couple of pictures to enjoy.

BTW I know a big question that I have gotten is, "How are Caylob, Liana, and Jaycob doing with Elijah?" Well they are wonderful with him. They love him to pieces and want to love on him and kiss and hold him all the time. They are all really helpful when it comes time for changing the diapers =) Jaycob still hasn't quite gotten his boundaries of how rough he can be with the baby yet, but he is doing a pretty good job. I did catch him actually holding the baby this morning w/o me telling him he could. I almost had a mini conniption fit, but quickly got it under control. But seriously they all are doing very good with him, I could not ask for more!!

Have a good one all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What's up

Wow I have almost forgotten how to blog, it has been so long since the last time I posted!!

Not much to fill in on tho. We did have an ultrasound of the baby and the tech. knows what we are having. We do not =) I know that kills some ppl, but we are excited about the surprise to come. The baby is healthy and I am due Oct. 18th. So he said that we would try to do the c-section around the 12th or so. We will see when the time gets closer.

But the baby is kicking like crazy and there are times that I feel like I am being beat up from the inside, but I love it =) Caylob and Liana were the first ones to feel the baby move. Daddy still has not been able to. Every time he tries the baby just quits....go figure. Oh well he is ok with that.

I was having some issues a little while ago with contracting a lot, but they have pretty much stopped and all I get are the regular Braxton Hicks contractions. So that is a plus. I am able to be more active with this pregnancy. For the moment I am still able to cut the grass and clean the house I want it to be cleaned. I am even able to help in the garden that we have growing at my mother-in-law's house. And because of the activity I have lost a total of 10lbs and not gained any...woohoo. I just pray that I can keep that up. But that pretty much sums up about the baby.

On to Caylob. He graduated Pre-k on June 3rd. I cried of course because I am allowed to. I was saved the teasing because they blamed it on my pregnancy hormones...LOL. But it was a bittersweet day. I just kept thinking of how much he will miss not going to a school and stuff. And the only reason I doubted homeschooling for a brief time was because his teachers this year were so awesome. And I did so many classroom Mommy kind of things that I enjoyed. But then I thought about it even more. And I know that not all teachers are going to be like his teachers this year and they do not teach him what I want him to be taught in school. And I came back to reality. Now I am looking at homeschooling curriculum and things so that I can get him started the right way in the fall. But he was sad because he finally realized that he would not be going back to a school and I think it bummed him out a little. He really got upset the day after school let out because he would not see Ms. Judy and Ms. Lesa again. But he is fine now and he is ok with being home schooled. So all is well there.

Liana is doing so well. We have started chore things around the house with Caylob and she wants chores too. OH YEAH I am so gonna take advantage!! Well Caylob has to make his bed every day, and bless his little heart, he makes Jaycob's too without me even asking him to =) So sweet. But the first day that Caylob started this Liana went in her room and was really quiet for a min. Ok so I give her her time and she comes out and asks me to go look in her room. When I went in there she had made her bed up!!! I was so stinkin proud of her and she was too. I was overjoyed that they want to help out like that. They also vacuum their rooms. Of course I have to go back over Liana's because she is so short that the vacuum really never touches the floor. But they are proud of their rooms. And Mommy gets a semi break.

Jaycob is potty training. He is doing very well at it I must say. He even goes to the potty by himself sometimes which is a plus! The amount of pull ups that we use has really dropped because he gets to wear big boy undies. And he keeps those dry most every day!! We are amazed at how well he is doing and so proud of him too. I am just praying that he is done by the time little baby G comes.

All of the kids are excited about the baby. They are always careful around my belly. Caylob told me that he would make Jaycob's bed because I have a baby in my belly and that he did not want me to have to do it....sniff sniff. Too sweet. Liana is constantly telling me that my baby dropped. Um ok I have no clue what that is about, but ok =) Smile and walk away. And they always want to see if the baby is kicking. It is too funny, sometimes I have to make them go away. But they let me know that they can't wait till the baby comes. I think Caylob is a little worried tho, because every night at prayer time he askes God to keep me safe when I go to the hospital to have the baby. I think he thinks that I am going to have to go into the hospital early like I had to with Jaycob .

So that is pretty much all the updating I have. Not overly exciting, but not dull either =)

Have a good one all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Liana!!!

I know this is a day late, but we were so busy ALL day yesterday that I did not have a chance to get on the computer much.

But on to the more important thing, yesterday was Liana's 3rd birthday. It is unbelievable how fast time goes by. I just sat there a couple of time yesterday remembering the day she was born and the day we brought her home. She gave us a scare in the hospital because of her blood sugar dropping. She did not want to eat, she was happy as could be being close to Mommy and cuddling. She still does not eat much!! I thought I was going to break her because she was sooooo small. Compared to Caylob who was 10lbs. She actually fit into some preemie clothes. But she was absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way.

She is still beautiful and getting more and more beautiful every day. She loves to get her hair put up and the more hair bows you allow her the Miss priss is what we call her. Well that and drama queen. She definitely knows how to use the water works. It does not get her much anywhere but her room, but she does not back off using them. And when she is sick you might as well hang it up because you cannot resist just holding and cuddling her. She is just pitiful. She just got over being sick last week. I felt awful right along with her because she made me feel so bad for her. But once she is over it she is back to her normal giggly and happy little self.

Liana is smart as a whip, she loves to watch the Little Einsteins. She can sit there and watch an entire episode and get most of the questions that they ask correct. Ha ha she knows her colors but does not like to let you know she knows them. And she is independent as well. I just cannot believe she is so big. Time flies there is not doubt.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ms. Liana Mommy loves you!!!!!

This is Liana when she was a couple of weeks tiny.

I think she looks like a Gerber Baby here.

Just could not resist this one....=)

This is her first birthday party!

And this is my Little Miss learning to ride her bike. She has gotten so big!!

I had a ton more that I wanted to add, but I think I will cut it off there ;) Have a good one all!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Much needed updating =)

I know this is a little late, but with as hectic as things are around here I barely get to read everyone else's blogs. Much less write my own. But I think we are finally getting the hang of the schedule around here. Caylob is in T-Ball now and we are trying to juggle having Bible Institute on Tuesdays and Church on Thursdays. But anyways things are finally settling down and that is the important thing.

Baby is well we heard the heartbeat at the last appt. It was 160ish. We go back on the 5th of May which is Liana's birthday for a check up and then two more weeks we will have the ultrasound. I am not quite sure if we will find out the sex or not. I guess we will see when we get there huh.

As far as Dot (a.k.a my mother in law) all is well. She is back at work, but they are working with herand letting her sit, stand, even lay down when needed. They get everything for her and all she has to do is sit there and stamp some garments with ink. They also do not have enough work around there to keep everyone for every shift, so they are asking ppl if they want to stay home on some days. And they ask her for each of them. So she worked Mon., Tue., off Wed., worked Thur. , and will be off Friday. Now sadly this is without pay, but she can finacially handle it for a little while. SO she is doing pretty good. Her leg does get really stiff tho, because she cannot relax at work like she can at home.

Caylob has actually started playing ball. His first game was Mon. night and he did soooo good. It was so cute watching them all out there trying to do what the coaches were telling them. Half the time they were not even paying attention to the game. They were to funny, but Caylob had a ball and I cannot say I did not get a little excited a time or two. =)

BTW we now have AC in our house. WOO HOO it is supposed to warm up pretty good this weekend. I was kinda stressing. But Frank called and reminded the land lord about it and two days later we have air!! Not a perfect fix by no means because we now have just a cooling unit and our heat is still a gas heater on the wall. But they will suffice. Plus we are planning on starting to look for a new house to buy soon. We are just waiting on some financial issues to get straightened out. But it is all good.

So that is all I can think of right now. Have a good one all!!!!

Happy Birthday Jaycob!!!!!

I have tried many times today to sit down and write a big ole Happy Birthday announcement for my youngest baby, but my emotions have kept me from it. Partly because I am a pregnant hormonal woman and my BABY is turning 2!! And the other part because of the sadness this day brings. I am so thankful that I have my son today, I call him my survivor baby =) Most everyone knows why.

Let me tell you that little nickname is going to fit him to the T if he continues on the path that he is headed down. This child is a daredevil and ALWAYS climbing as well as getting into trouble. And the most frustrating thing is he knows he is not supposed to do these things, yet he d
oes them over and over!! Then he wants to look at you with the cutest face and throw his hands in the air and say, "NO?". It is so funny and frustrating at the same time. But he is a blessing none the less. I thank God for the privilege of being able wake up every day and see Jaycob's face. And what a cute one that is too. =)

My little boy is not so little anymore. He now sleeps in his own bed. And just recently he started to go to sleep on his own without the help of a bobo (a.k.a pacifier) So all my kids are broke from that thing until little one comes along. And I have said that this one will not get one if I can help it. Probably an empty threat tho...hehe. But back to Jaycob, he is so independent now everything is "I do it!" And he LOVES LOVES LOVES to talk on the phone. If you need to talk call him he would love to talk to you on the phone, maybe not to your face, but on the phone is not problem. He is a stinker. I love him soo very much.

I can't help but to look at him everyday and think to myself that there could have been two of him. Occasionally I find it a
good thing that there are not, but mostly I long for having them both. I may not have ever been able to hold my living, breathing, full of life Jeffery, but I miss him as if I had. I feel like the day he was born I took whatever life he had away. But it needed to happen for Jaycob's sake and I would not have had it any other way. But it still hurts. I know there was no way that he would have ever formed properly, but I can't help to think, "Man that would have been wonderful!' But I know also that God had a purpose for Jeffery. I do not know what that was, maybe through the whole ordeal we touched someone's life, I can hope that happened.Maybe I will never know, but I do know that I am thankful to God for giving me Jeffery. I am a different person now, I guess stronger would be the word because of the whole ordeal. And I hold on to the fact that I know that I will see Jeffery when I get to heaven. I will be able to see his face, and see the life in him. And he will greet me as if he has always been by my side.

I am sorry to have gone so mushy gooshy on ya, I just needed to let that out. While I am thankful for Jaycob and believe me I cannot count my blessings enough for him, I am still so sorrowful on this happy day, for the loss of my baby Jeffery.

But even though it is late..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY my baby boys!!!! Mommy loves you!!!

This is me at 71/2 months with Jaycob and Jeffery

This is the day Jaycob came home from the hospital.

And this is my little man now, he is so big!!! Too CUTE!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Doctor's Appointment.

Well we finally had our first doctor's appointment yesterday for the baby. We started a new doctor this time because my old one is retiring this month. I am not really fond of change, but he seemed really nice! All is well with the baby, the doc. estimates that I am 7 weeks. I think Frank was a little disappointed because he was convinced that I was farther along =) Oh well I don't mind baking a little longer. So my due date is October 26th. He of course wants me to do another c-section. So he told me that he typically does them about a week before due date. so around the 19th is what he said would be good. Now keep in mind Caylob's birthday is the 21st. Ha and Jaycob and Liana's birthdays are really close too.

He of course was worried about my last pregnancy, but is convinced that it has no bearing on this pregnancy, so he decided not to consider me high risk.The only two risk factors are my weight and my past c-sections. So I will do the normal routine. Up to 26 weeks I will go every 4 weeks, then go every two until I am 36 weeks. After 36 weeks I will go every week. He was really good on giving details. I will have an ultrasound at around 18weeks. Not soon enough for me, but I will deal with it ;) Also I am excited to hear the heart beat which should be next time. Our next appointment is on April 7th.

Over all the visit went great and I am good with the doc. Frank likes him too because the doctor included Frank in on the conversation, unlike Dr. Fitts. He always made Frank feel like he had no say so in my pregnancies.

I am feeling very fatigued, I cannot wait until I get my energy back! I don't know what I will do with myself. But until then I will do my chores in spurts.

Have a good one all!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Well here goes.

Free Blinkies

Well most of you know already, but I am going to make an official announcement on my blog. I am pregnant. We found out on Friday. Yes this will be number four. No we are not Well maybe a little. But yes we do know what causes this and we do believe that we have mastered the art. Just haven't gotten the art of preventing it down yet.....hahaha. But we are super excited.

Ok this is weird. We had decided on doing a joint birthday party for Bradly, Ricky, Krissy, Frank, and I on Saturday Feb. 14. because we all have a birthday in either Jan. or Feb. We still do a little something special on our birthdays, but we always have a joint bash I guess. Either way. I had been wondering what to get Frank and praying too. I just could not come up with anything. So the day before I was sitting there and all of a sudden something tells me to get a pregnancy test. I now believe it was not something, but someone...catch my drift. I had no signs except for tiredness and my vision was a little blurry. But I figured that was from my new glasses. Well I thought to myself, " Ha that would def. be a gift to cover Valentine and birthday, if it was positive." I kinda went into it thinking that nothing would come of it and I would still wind up having to come up with something. But I have heard quite a few times here recently about how God has a sense of And the rest you guys can figure out. Lets just say I had MY gift covered and I guess Frank did too...haha.

Now I will tell you the story of what happened the day we found out. Friday I was making cupcakes for Caylob's class' Valentines party and I needed more sprinkles for them. Wal-mart was completely out so I had to go to the $ store.So Frank, Liana, Jaycob, and I loaded into the van and headed into to town. While in the dollar store I picked up a pregnancy test and before I went outside I hid it in my purse so Frank would not see it. And yes I paid for it. =) Either way I got back in the van and we went to the bank. We kinda agreed that Frank would go in and that it would probably be a min., so we decided for me to go to my mother-in-law's house, which is right down the road, to pick up some things and let Liana go potty. She was doing the "dance" in the back seat the whole time we were trying to figure out what to do. So either way I went ot Dot' s and let Liana do her thing and when she was done her and Jaycob went to play. So I decided to go ahead and take the test. Well in less than a min. the lines appeared and all I gasped and could not breath in for a min. I was def. happy and shocked. Either way I decided right there that I was going to wrap it up and give it to Frank for his Valentine/Birthday gift.

Ok Frank had been up ALL night working and was up really late in the day from all the errands we ran, so he was really cranky. We were in our room and he was ranting about something, I really was trying to listen but I kept zoning out debating on giving him his "gift" early. Finally I decided that it may help lift his spirits if I gave it to him. And I was being selfish too because I did not want to have to hear it all day ;) But either way I pull the test out of my purse and hand it to him. He looks at it and says, "What's this?" Then he said," Are you?....Really?" The whole time I am sitting here laughing and shaking my head yes. And a smile krept across his face and did not go away for the rest of the day.

He was so excited that he went to call my Mom because he knew that she would make a big deal out of it and scream with excitement. HAHA and she did! Then he announced it to the world I believe on Facebook and Myspace. So much for keeping quiet until the first trimester is Oh welll he is a proud Daddy and I love that about him.

So now for the details. We are probably due at the end of October. I am trying to get ahold of a doc., because my reg doc. is not accepting new pregnancies due to his retirement in March. I mean come on I am special enough to make an acception for aren't NOT!! I would retire too as many babies as that man has delivered. I am actually looking forward to trying a new one. I have one that is in my plan that has beed recommended. A friend of mine also told me that she believes he is a Christian man. So as soon as I can get someone to answer the phone there I will make an appointment.

I will keep updates on here for those of you that do not have to suffer being around my emotional self these next 8 months. And for those of you that do have to put up with me I am sorry in advance. Just give me a bit I will get over it =)

Please keep us in your prayers.

Have a good one all!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I know I know it has been a VERY long time since I last posted. But I promise I will try to be better at it.

Today is Friday folks and that means.....Foto Friday!!



Have a great day everyone!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009


Hey everyone I have a friend that is doing a giveaway on her blog for the cutest necklace. Go on over and check it out, even non bloggers can enter. Good luck guys! Click here for the blog, and while you are it go ahead and read what she has to say, I love her blog =)

Have a good one all!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A sad day in NW TN.

Today a hero was brought home for the last time. Cpl. Keith Eric Essary from Dyer County TN was killed Jan. 7th (US time) in Afghanistan due to a suicide car bomber. He was 20yrs old and gratduated in 2006. Just a baby. He was a very hard worker and committed to his country. His honorary procession, where the military gives possession of his body to the family was today.

I was able to watch the procession and honor him as he was brought by my house. There was a sense of pride and such sorrow at the same time. I feel for his family and have them in my prayers. I never knew Cpl. Essary, but I am extremly thankful to him for his heroism and willingness to defend our country and our rights. I cannot say how proud I am to be an American. Obviously there are "changes" that I don't like coming, but I am still proud of my country and the men and women that defend it. So thank you Cpl. Essary for your ultimate sacrfice.

As I was standing outside for the procession a little while ago I had a man that pulled over right in front of me and got out and held his cap over his heart. He is a Vietnam veteran and is very bitter towards this war. He kept looking over at me and telling me, this should not be happening, we should have never been there in the first place. But really think about this, had we not gone over there and set up some kind of government what would we have today? Another Sadam I believe. I may be wrong, but I feel that we were meant to go over there. I do however believe that we should have been long gone. But things take time. I know that some do not agree with me, but I feel that God has a perfect plan and that us going there was and is part of it. And I fully trust Him to take care of His children.

Which brings me to this, I have a question for you. Do you know that if you died today, where would you go? With the way that this world is today, I belive that the end is soooo close that it is knocking on our back door. Jesus will be here soon to take His children with Him. Will you be one going? I pray that everyone of you will. I love each and every one of you. And am praying for you all.

Please keep the Essary family in your prayers and please, please, please support and pray for our troops.

Have a great day.