Hey everyone I have a friend that is doing a giveaway on her blog for the cutest necklace. Go on over and check it out, even non bloggers can enter. Good luck guys! Click here for the blog, and while you are it go ahead and read what she has to say, I love her blog =)
Have a good one all!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A sad day in NW TN.
Today a hero was brought home for the last time. Cpl. Keith Eric Essary from Dyer County TN was killed Jan. 7th (US time) in Afghanistan due to a suicide car bomber. He was 20yrs old and gratduated in 2006. Just a baby. He was a very hard worker and committed to his country. His honorary procession, where the military gives possession of his body to the family was today.
I was able to watch the procession and honor him as he was brought by my house. There was a sense of pride and such sorrow at the same time. I feel for his family and have them in my prayers. I never knew Cpl. Essary, but I am extremly thankful to him for his heroism and willingness to defend our country and our rights. I cannot say how proud I am to be an American. Obviously there are "changes" that I don't like coming, but I am still proud of my country and the men and women that defend it. So thank you Cpl. Essary for your ultimate sacrfice.
As I was standing outside for the procession a little while ago I had a man that pulled over right in front of me and got out and held his cap over his heart. He is a Vietnam veteran and is very bitter towards this war. He kept looking over at me and telling me, this should not be happening, we should have never been there in the first place. But really think about this, had we not gone over there and set up some kind of government what would we have today? Another Sadam I believe. I may be wrong, but I feel that we were meant to go over there. I do however believe that we should have been long gone. But things take time. I know that some do not agree with me, but I feel that God has a perfect plan and that us going there was and is part of it. And I fully trust Him to take care of His children.
Which brings me to this, I have a question for you. Do you know that if you died today, where would you go? With the way that this world is today, I belive that the end is soooo close that it is knocking on our back door. Jesus will be here soon to take His children with Him. Will you be one going? I pray that everyone of you will. I love each and every one of you. And am praying for you all.
Please keep the Essary family in your prayers and please, please, please support and pray for our troops.
Have a great day.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:25 AM 2 comments