What type of Mother Hen Are You?
by Montessorimom.com: Educational Resource
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Well I have not posted in a while so now I have been tagged twice and I need to get with the game!!
But first here is an update:
I got food poisoning on Friday and it ruined my whole weekend, and the worst part about it was Frank was out of town for a class and could not help me. I could not walk at times it hurt so bad. Luckily I got my house cleaned up on Friday morning and did not have to worry about that. Jaycob and Liana had it mildly, they did not seem as affected by it as I did. I don't know, maybe that means that I am the BABY...lol.
I did however survive my first weekend alone!! That was a plus.
Also the kitten is still here. I don't know if Frank is going to tell Caylob he can keep it or not. He keeps telling me to get rid of it and I told him he is going to be the bad guy!!
but off to my tags:
First of all last week Mindy tagged us about cravings we have had with our pregnancies. Well lets see.
Caylob: I was old fashioned I guess and I craved the mess out of some pickles. By the end of that pregnancy I thought I was never going to be able to look at another pickle again.
Liana: How we knew for sure that I was pregnant was I started craving pickles. But that soon changed to McDonald's fries and that was pretty much what I ate from there on out. Saddest thing about that was I actally lost weight with her pregnancy. You would have thought I would have gained 100lbs....lol
Now with Jaycob: Same way of finding out with the pickles craving, but it did not last for long again. After we found out the news about Jeffery and had to go to Jackson twice a week EVERY week I craved fountain coke!!!!!!!!!!! All I wanted was fountain coke. And to this day I still like fountain better than bottle or can anyday. But my favorite then and still is, is Sonic cokes. They seem to have the best drinks.
But I cannot recall any other cravings that I had. Anyone that hasn't already filled this out I would love to know what your cravings were.
Now for the other tag:
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
A little something extra.
This morning the whole family was outside cleaning the van out and we were going to wash it if it did not get to hot. Well the hubby and I were diligently working hard and the kids were kind of wondering around the yard. Well Liana comes up to Daddy holding something and Daddy just says, " OH Liana bring that to me!!" Well of course this catches my attention and I have to go see what the commotion is and I walk around the van only to see her holding this baby kitten. I could not even begin to think of where this thing came from, but she was proud of herself for finding it. The poor thing was filthy and very skinny, and had fleas ALL over it. I took it up to the vet tech. up the street and she asked me to keep it until Wed. when she went back to work from vacation. She gave me some food and told me to give it a bath with baby shampoo.
Luckily it is actually healthy and looks much better now that it has had a bath. I feel so bad for it and it has taken up with me. It is really a pretty cat. So if anyone wants a little kitty I will give her to ya.
Here is a couple of pictures I took of her, keep in mind she just got a bath so she looks kinda like a rat.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 3:23 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Vacation Bible School
I feel like I have not blogged in forever, but I have a good reason why. We had vacation bible school at church this past week and let me tell ya, I am wore plum out. On top of having the VBS I had my m.i.l's kids for the week as well because it meant that I could sleep in. But it was still exhausting. My house finally got a good cleaning today and all my laundry is caught up. Now I am just going to relax for the rest of the day. Until time to cook supper. It is so funny my hubby told me this morning he wanted a home cooked meal. He hasn't had one all week and he was going to get one tonight. LOL I told him I would fix hotdogs or something. That did not go over to well.
Well about VBS I had a blast and so did all the kids. I am already looking forward to next year!! Last night was kinda bitter sweet because I did not want it to end, but I also was so tired and ready to resume "normal" life. What took like forever to get everything painted and set up to look just perfect, was taken down and cleaned up in less than an hour. How crazy is that? But it was great and not near as stressful as anyone thought it was going to be.
My jobs were to lead the music with Mrs. Mindy and Mrs. Tracy, and to head up the crafts. After getting over the stress of FINDING the music, it turned out great and I will probably sing and dance to the songs for the rest of my life. They were that catchy and fun to do. The kids run around the house doing them. EVEN LIANA. She was so funny because when we would get up to do the songs Liana would get up there and some nights she would dance her heart out and some she would just stand there. The crafts went well too. There was one or two nights that my blood pressure may have spiked, but only for a min...lol. And none of the kids complained about any of them and they looked forward to the craft time of the night. We ti-dyed some bandanas for them to wear last night and they turned out great.
During the time we had in the sanctuary the men put on a pupper show with R.J, Pedro, Bro. Jeremy, Tony, and I think Margaret. R.J was the star of the show and Pedro got saved. I think Tony did too. But the show was awesome!! Liana LOVED the pupets. Every time they would come out she would yell,"Pup, Pup!!!!!" It was the cutest thing. All the kids loved them. Everyone that did the show and headed up the beginning and ending ceremonies every night were awesome!!
I also want to say that all the workers were great they all did such wonderful jobs. Like I said I cannot wait until next year!!
Here is a slide show that I put together with some pictures I got this past week. Enjoy!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 4:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rainy Day.
Ahh sometimes a change just makes you feel a little better doesn't it!
The weather is getting ugly outside. But I am starting to like rainy days better than sunny ones because I find them relaxing. I think I am going to curl up on the bed and watch some T.V. or even read a bit. The house is quiet, the kiddos are all napping, and hubby is out for a bit. PLUS I got all my housework that can be done, done.
What type of day is your favorite... rainy or sunny?
Enjoy your day everyone!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 1:15 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
One of those days.
Have you ever had one of those days where you know you have a ton of stuff to get done, but you just cannot motivate yourself enough to do them. Well that is the type of day I am having. First of all. it does not matter how much sleep I get here lately, I still feel overwhelmingly tired. I think it is the muggy weather or something. But on top of being tired I just cannot make myself get up and do what needs to be done. I guess it is because I do not know where to start!!!
Let me tell ya. Frank has started this company where he is trying to start his own business with a guy from church. Because he is training we are having more company than usual because his trainers come here sometimes before they go to their presentations. Well lets just say I CANNOT stand for ppl. to come over and see my house a wreck. Who cares if I have 6 kids running around, this house better be presentable!! Anyways I have to straighten up and I know it, but my body just does not want to move.....lol. But somehow like 10mins. before company arrives I will get it done.
Also we have Vacation Bible School at church next week and we have been diligently working to get ready for it. I enjoy the work nights we have been having and I feel like we are getting alot accomplished, But I guess I am getting ansy about seeing the finished product. I have never even been to a VBS much less worked in one, so I am excited!!! The only problem right now is I am helping with the music and we have not figured anything out yet. VBS is next week!!! Can we say PANIC!!!
So that is my day. The kids are all actually being good, which is good for them..lol. And the hubby is pretty much gone for the day. I guess I can chalk this up to one of the limited lazy days I get. =)
P.S. I also wanted to share this. At night we do a devotional and read the Bible a bit. Then we say prayer. I am on Cafe mom and one of the groups I am in has a little girl named Gracie that they have asked prayer for. She was born with half a heart and she has had some really big ups and downs. So I pray for her every night. Well Caylob has picked up on that and started praying for her as well. At first I thought he was just repeating what I was praying, but the more he talked the more I realized that he knew exactly what he was talking about and actually praying for baby Gracie. I teared up because I knew he truly meant it. And when he prays he prays for EVERYONE and specific things too. He just amazes me all the time. I just know the he is headed down the right path to me a great man of God.
Have a good one all!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
More Comments and Myspace Layouts at pYzam.com
I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Independence Day!!! As always keep our country, it's leader, and our troops in your prayers. Have fun!!!!
Create your own glittery text at pYzam.com
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:20 AM 0 comments