Saturday, July 19, 2008

Vacation Bible School

I feel like I have not blogged in forever, but I have a good reason why. We had vacation bible school at church this past week and let me tell ya, I am wore plum out. On top of having the VBS I had my m.i.l's kids for the week as well because it meant that I could sleep in. But it was still exhausting. My house finally got a good cleaning today and all my laundry is caught up. Now I am just going to relax for the rest of the day. Until time to cook supper. It is so funny my hubby told me this morning he wanted a home cooked meal. He hasn't had one all week and he was going to get one tonight. LOL I told him I would fix hotdogs or something. That did not go over to well.

Well about VBS I had a blast and so did all the kids. I am already looking forward to next year!! Last night was kinda bitter sweet because I did not want it to end, but I also was so tired and ready to resume "normal" life. What took like forever to get everything painted and set up to look just perfect, was taken down and cleaned up in less than an hour. How crazy is that? But it was great and not near as stressful as anyone thought it was going to be.

My jobs were to lead the music with Mrs. Mindy and Mrs. Tracy, and to head up the crafts. After getting over the stress of FINDING the music, it turned out great and I will probably sing and dance to the songs for the rest of my life. They were that catchy and fun to do. The kids run around the house doing them. EVEN LIANA. She was so funny because when we would get up to do the songs Liana would get up there and some nights she would dance her heart out and some she would just stand there. The crafts went well too. There was one or two nights that my blood pressure may have spiked, but only for a And none of the kids complained about any of them and they looked forward to the craft time of the night. We ti-dyed some bandanas for them to wear last night and they turned out great.

During the time we had in the sanctuary the men put on a pupper show with R.J, Pedro, Bro. Jeremy, Tony, and I think Margaret. R.J was the star of the show and Pedro got saved. I think Tony did too. But the show was awesome!! Liana LOVED the pupets. Every time they would come out she would yell,"Pup, Pup!!!!!" It was the cutest thing. All the kids loved them. Everyone that did the show and headed up the beginning and ending ceremonies every night were awesome!!

I also want to say that all the workers were great they all did such wonderful jobs. Like I said I cannot wait until next year!!

Here is a slide show that I put together with some pictures I got this past week. Enjoy!!


Tracy said...

You really could have left out the ones of Too funny! I am sort-of sad it had to end too....but I am exhausted!

Anonymous said...

Those are great!! Hate that I missed Pie Day!