I don't have a crazy incurable disease!!!! Actually I am fine, I just need to stay away from the sun for a bit. The two antibiotics that I was on caused me to have a bad reaction to the sun. It has also made my immune system wacky and that is why my joints are hurting and I am swelling. So I am good. They gave me steroids and as soon as the antibiotics get out of my system I should be fine. But for now my fingers are going numb so I am gonna cut this short.
Thanks for the prayer everyone!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 4:54 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I meant to put these up Sunday night. We all thought they were blog worthy. These are a couple of guys from church modeling the new Christmas aprons that we are selling for the building fund. No the guys are not for sell. Also there is one of Mrs. Christi looking really pretty in a blue apron. Even if you don't go to our church and you see one you like we can get you one.
Cody was obviously having some kind of issue =-)
This is Cody and Brock. Cody apparently figured it out...LOL. That was Jaycob's bear that my Secret Sis gave him. Isn't that awesome that she thought about my kiddos and not just me. I love it!
This is Mrs. Christi looking ever so beautimous in the blue snowman apron.
There was a black one that is really cute but, Mrs. Debbie bought it and took off with it before we could get a pic of it ;)
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:49 PM 0 comments
So It Has Been a Minute
Well I have a mystery illness, at least until 1:45 tomorrow afternoon when the doctor is gonna do some more tests on me. I called on Tuesday to see if I could just get my results over the phone and the nurse had to call me back. About 30 mins later she calls and says happily, "Well you don't have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Your test results came back negative YAY!!" I was like, "Um ok what do I have, do I need to come back in to see the doc?" She told me that if I was still having symptoms I needed to come back in. I was like, "Does a rash that goes from my neck to my toes count?" So they got me in tomorrow to see what is wrong with me.
Whatever this stuff is has really got me down this time.I have been feeling bad for about 2 weeks now, hence why I have not blogged very much, all I want to do is lay around. Frank and I are now wondering if it has anything to do with my bite at all. Time will tell. I am still getting pretty bad headaches and now my joints are starting to hurt. My knees and ankles are about to kill me. Also the left side of my neck is sore. I made fun of Frank and told him he was getting old and falling apart about a week ago. Well he said the same thing to me this morning. Turn about is fair play and I don't like it. And this RASH, don't even get me started on that. If I even go towards the door to go outside I start to itch REAL bad and then I start burning. So needless to say if you are cold natured you probably should not just POP in for a visit. Also my house is a wreck but I don't care....lol.
So either way I hope this mess gets cleared up soon. I want to get back to my life. So please praying family and friends say one for me. =)
Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea how bad I look. You may have to actually click on them to see them close up.
My leg This is my arm and it looks better here than it has been looling.
Have a good one I will update after my appointment.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Feelin' the Love!!
Well we had an interesting morning here at my house. Well to start with for some reason all the kids decided to come to either my room or my bed in the middle of the night to sleep. I wound up with Jaycob and Liana in my bed and Caylob was in Jaycob's bed. Don't ask I don't know...lol. Anyways this morning I miraculously was able to get myself and Caylob up and out of the bed without waking the other two up. That is not normal at all. We got ready and still no no sign of movement coming from my room. Frank was even able to come home and get a shower while I took Caylob to school. When I got home a little after 8am they were still sleeping. Frank had just gotten out of the shower so I sat in there with him while he shaved. When he was done we went to head out of the bathroom and we heard the door to our bedroom open.
Now here is the funny part, we decided to be really quiet and see if they could find us. Now when Jaycob gets up he usually wants Mommy right away, and Liana just wants to lay on someone for a few mins. So we figured they would come find us right away right?....WRONG!!! Just a little tid bit of info on me, I cannot hide without laughing, I am immature I know, I just cannot do it. So here I am with Frank in a bathroom that you can just about stretch both your arms out and touch the walls (sad I know). I was sitting under the clock also that was particularly loud this morning. Reason I say all that is because we sat there for FIVE minutes listening to the tick by and we overheard Jaycob playing in the dog cage. If the dog ever leaves food in her bowl he likes to go in there and dump it out so that he can put it back in the bowl piece by piece and hear the ping it makes on the metal. We also heard Liana standing at the gate between the kitchen and living room (which was closed) talking and eventually growling at the kitty which was perched on my computer chair. She growled for I know a solid minute maybe two. By this time I had stopped laughing and was getting a little upset. Well at 6 mins. I looked at Frank and said, "Well I feel real loved." He said, "Yeah tell me bout it." Finally at 7 minutes we hear a silence and then we hear Liana say, "Hey, where's Daddy." and then Jaycob chimes in with a, "Muaaaaamaaaa" almost like awooo woo. That is when I started laughing again and they still took a little bit to find us. When they finally did they acted like they do when they first get up.
Kids are so funny. They are almost all the entertainment I need....ALMOST!!!
Have a good one. T.G.I.F
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Not at all what I was thinking!

Ok so when you hear Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever what comes to mind? In my mind incurable disease that looks horrible.
Well let me tell you a little story. Last Friday I was bitten by what I thought was a brown recluse during the night. I looked it up online and my bite had EVERY characteristic of a B.R. spider bite. So I freak out and all I can think about is my arm is already ugly and now I am going to have a big ugly hole in it. And it is going to look sooooo gross. Yeah I was a little stressed. I called the doc and they got me in that day. Well the doc looks at it and says, "Yeah you got bit by something." NOOOOOO KIDDING?!?!?! "But I don't think it was a brown recluse, it is missing ONE characteristic." Ok I am not to fond of this particular doc and I really thought she did not know what she was talking about. Mostly because we have had issues of misdiagnosises with her and some other things as well. But anyway I was put on an oral antibiotic and a cream antibiotic. Off I go and within about 3 days it was starting to look better.
So Monday comes around. The bite looks good, but my arm hurts sooooo bad. I did notice that it was really red around it tho. But the day goes by and I am fine. Then around 4-4:30p.m, I had just gotten done at the bank and was headed to my m.i.l's house, I start getting chills all of a sudden and as soon as I get to her house I take my temp and it was like 101.7. Not cool what is up with that? I took some Tylenol and the fever went away for about 2 hours. I also noticed I was going to the bathroom a lot more, so I chalked it up to a bladder infection coming on. Well after about 2 hrs my fever came back with what felt like a vengeance and knocked me off my feet. I was sore from head to toe and my head felt like it was going to pop. The fever got up to 103 and I was nauseated. I knew that something was really wrong. When I woke up this morning I was still really sore, but my fever had gone down substantially. Frank already had an appointment to see the doc at 9:15 so I had him call and see if they could get me in with him. They did...thank goodness.
So here we go with Liana and Jaycob in tow. It was so funny because when the nurse opened the door to call us back, Frank and I got up and started walking to the door trying to coral the kids and Jaycob stands still and will not budge. Then he starts crying!! He knew what goes on behind that door and he wanted no part in it what so ever. Well vitals are taken, she weighed me and that just started my day off on the wrong foot. Then we go in the room to wait. The doc comes in and says, "Who is sick today?" Sadly it was Frank and myself. She laughed and so did the pharmacy ppl. Either way, she checked Frank and he is now being tested for rheumatoid arthritis. So pray for him He is in a lot of pain. I think he is just getting old ;) (j/k) Then comes my turn. I hate going to the doc. they ALWAYS find something wrong. So we go through my symptoms, which btw a rash had now appeared on my left wrist (the same arm as the bite) and she has lab work done and urine samples and things like that. I got poked three times which bettered my day...NOT!! Then when we go back into the room she lets me know that she is CONCERNED that I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever!! I wanted to die. I was like, "Doesn't that come from ticks?" She said, "Yes and I am pretty sure that is what bit you" The test results take a few days to process, so I have to go back in next week and get them. For now all she can do is give me yet another antibiotic to take with my other one. The other one is good but the one thing it does not take care of is RMSF. Go figure!
As soon as I get home and get the kiddos in bed I get on the computer to do some research. Well it is no longer as life threatening and really hasn't been since the 40's I believe. Some cases are sever and can cause hospitalization. Oh yeah and the longer it goes untreated the worse it gets. Mine went right at 5 days..YAY! I had all but one symptom and that was vomiting and the only reason I did not do that was because I hate to vomit and if there is anyway possible I avoid it at all costs! Also something more alarming is that the tick would have had to have been on my arm 4-5 HOURS for me to have gotten RMSF. That just really gives me the hebby gebbies. Also the rash if it gets any worse or starts looking like the pictures that I saw, I think I may recluse myself for a while...lol. I honestly feel like a leper now. Oh well I will get over it and I don't think it is going to be that sever. But I am always the one who gets the weird things that all you have heard of is the disease killing ppl. So now I have had Scarlett Fever and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever(maybe) Yay me!
Now nobody is going to want to come around me at church tomorrow night...HAHA.
This is the symptoms link. I went to a bunch of them and found out a lot from each one. I also looked up a picture of a tick bite and what I have looks similar. Just my luck huh? I am just thankful that it was me and not Jaycob because he crawled into my bed that night.
SO here is my tip for the day. Always check your skin from head to toe and make sure to check your bed before you get i it at night. You never know what kind of creepy disease carrying critter may be lurking in there.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Choosing a Path.
So here is the thing. Caylob started school a week and a half ago. His first week he went on Tuesday, and then did not have to go back until Thursday, thus starting his school year. Well I made a promise to myself about a month before he started school that I was going to drop him off at school and go straight to the track and walk. Well I have held up to that promise so far.
The first week of school, on Tuesday, I went and dropped Caylob off and then I go to the track and do some stretching, I am psyched and and ready to go. I start off with a good pace, thinking to myself, "Piece of cake, I can do this." HAHAHAHA that was funny because about 50 feet later my calves start cramping up and I am loosing oxygen fast. And let me tell you, I felt like a man with the amount of sweat I poured out that day. My thought process quickly changed, "OK so maybe I am a little out of shape, no scratch that, A LOT." But I keep on, and let me tell ya, I was praying to God that he would just help me to make it around the track to my car. I made it, "OH that wasn't too bad, I might could slow down a little next time" Wed. I took a break. But come Thursday when I took Caylob to school, I went back at it, Friday too. They were not as excruciating as Tuesday. Well the first week, I was only able to walk about 1/2 a mile and like 212 feet.
Week two. I had rested the weekend and I was good to go on Monday. I made it around the track once and then when I got to my car I decided, "What the hey, I will go for another." Well I went around another time and I was fine. My legs hurt a little bit and my lazy side of me was mad, but all in all it was good. I was proud of myself for bumping it up a little. Well I continued until Thursday walking a mile and 424feet every day. Then Friday I got bit by something and had to go to the doc. So I did not walk that day. Also I had a fear, even if it is not true it still scares me, that if it was a poisonous spider that bit me I did not want to speed up my blood flow and let the venom get into my whole body. LOL I know I am weird. I never said I was completely sane. Who is?
Ok so today started week three. I do my usual two laps and then I get to my car again. Well I get adventerous and decide to walk another lap. Last week went smoothly, why shouldn't today. So off I go.... Yeah so about 75 feet away from the car my thighs start to tingle, then burn. Then it travels to my calves. OH no I can't do this. YES YOU CAN!!!! Onward I go. Now mind you every morning when I walk I take that time I have to myself to talk to God. That is my special time to talk to him about anything I need to get off my chest. Well this morning was no different. I often pray for him to help me get control back of my life, mostly my weight. I have let myself go for too long. And over the past two years, I have really worked hard and gotten back in control of my Spiritual life. Well now I am taking my next baby step and getting some self discipline. WOW back to the story, that was relevant by the way. Well I decided that I would take the short path on my third lap, because let me tell you I was hurting and burning and sweating like ewww. I talk to God and this is what I said, "Lord I think I was possessed into walking this third lap, but will you pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee help me at make it through the short path." So before I knew it I was taking the long path. "Lord this is not the path I intended to take." But then my legs stopped hurting and I kind of relaxed a little and kept on going with a sense of ease. In no time I was pulling out of the parking lot, on my way home.
As I was driving home I got to thinking about it. I was so ready to choose my own path and by putting my faith in Him he chose my path for me. He showed me that even though it looked daunting and I felt like I could not do it, I really could. It is amazing how something as simple as walking can bring that to someone's attention. It is so very true tho. I realized that I let my flesh choose to many of my paths and I don't put enough faith in God to choose my life's paths for me. I really needed that walk this morning, not only for my health, but for my spiritual health as well.
So just remember when you come to a fork in your life that has an easy way out and a tough, but better way, put your faith in Him and he will see you through. It may not be the path you wanted, but in the end you will come out on the better side!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:23 PM 2 comments
I just thought I would post a couple of interesting pictures on here.
Meet Sassy. This is the newest member of our family. Yeah I know I said we were not going to keep her, but if you could have heard Caylob when his daddy told him we were not going to keep her, your heart would have burst out of your chest with sadness. Anyway as you can see from the pic she knows already the foundation of this household. (the Bible if you cannot tell) I could not help but to think of the song, "Standing On the Promises of God" I know I am weird but at least I admit it...lol.
Ok so this was the bite I got on the back of my arm the other night. It had every charactaristic of a brown recluse bite. I am pretty sure I caught it in time tho because I started taking some antibiotics and putting antibiotic ointment on it that afternoon. It got a little worse that night and then wound up starting to clear up, thank goodness. I really did not want a big ole hole in my big ole arm. It is still there today and still hurts pretty bad, but the looks of it are getting better.
HAHA this is Caylob eating the sour piece of gum I surprised him with. I know it is mean, but hey I need some kind of entertainment...lol. Hey he got a treat out of it ;)
So there are some random pics that explains A Day in Our Household.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A look through the years.
This was absolutely fun to do!! I am glad that Tracy found this one. I laughed the whole time I was going through and cropping these pics.
1980's I was born in 82' so this is one from that year...lol!!
1990's I look like my sister did in the 90's lolololol!!! Frank was handsome!
2000 Yeah I actually had a girl in my yearbook with this exact hair. I graduated in 2000 as well, so I thought this was a cool one.
Ok so I will probably get shot, BUT I cannot resist puting this one on here. I just wanted to see what he would look like before and after lipo suction!!!
I think everyone should go try this, I would love to see the photos!!
Have an awesome day everyone.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 10:32 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
First Day of Pre-K!!
Well today was the day my baby boy officially went solo. Caylob started his pre-k class today. And boy oh boy was he excited. Mommy not so much. But we both made it through and I did not even shed a single tear. Yay for MOMMY!!! Everyone thought I would be an emotional basket case and I proved them all wrong...lol. So I took pictures of EVERYTHING from him ready to leave, to the car ride, etc., etc.
He was so funny this morning. I guess he was laying awake in there waiting to hear my alarm go off, because when I came out of my room with my eyes barely open at 6:15A.M. He came running out of his, "Mommy can I get dressed now?!?!" Had I not been somewhat asleep that would have been so darn cute...lol. No it really was and I think I was just as excited as he was because I did not sleep much at all last night. So either way, him and I get ready and I start baking some muffins. BTW I was told to try the blueberry cheesecake muffins, and now I am hooked. Anyone who hasn't tried them go NOW!! Ok back to the story. He is ready in like 5 seconds flat it seems, shoes and all. I was impressed. Then it dawned on me right in the middle of baking that he would be eating breakfast at school..DUH!! Oh well the rest of us had a pretty good breakfast. He ate one and drank some milk to pass the time of EVERYONE getting ready. So while we were eating I decide to get the camera out..hehe. I start snapping away and he posed for a bit and then told me it was enough we needed to go.
Well into the van we go ALL of us. Yeah we made this a family event. I was taking pics of us on the way and things like that and of course Frank was like, " you know you have issues right?" I just told him that he knew how I was when he married me. So we get to school and the gang gets out and onward we go. Ok so I all getting anxious and Caylob is like, "This is soo cool Mom and Dad!" I felt like Nemo's Dad saying, "Are you sure you don't want to wait another year...or two?"
Well we get to the door finally and in he goes and say hey to the teacher and he was gone. My baby boy grew up. He did not need Mommy to go with him to meet new people. He was not shy and did not tuck his little face into Mommy's leg like he used to. Liana on the other hand kind of filled that void I guess, because she latched on like a leach...lol. Jaycob was like WOW TOYS!!! Let's go!! But Caylob was ready to get the day started and I was free to go if I wanted to. I of course hung around a few minutes because Liana and Jaycob were playing. When it came time to leave Liana and Jaycob fought. That was kind of funny.
So we got in the van and I went and walked around the track. Which I am going to start doing every morning I can after I drop him off. When we finally got home it was so quiet in the house. Jaycob and Liana were like, "Well what do we do now?" They layed down for a nap early, so that they will be ready to go to bed early tonight.
But all in all they day went well. I am anxiously awaiting 2:45 to get here so that I can go get him and see how his day went!! LOL at 9:35 I looked at the clock and said, "I wonder what Caylob is doing right now?" Frank looked at me and said, "Uh NO you are not gonna be like THAT are you?" I just laughed because I knew it would get a rise out of him.
But here are some pictures. Enjoy!!
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 11:12 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
SHHH It's a Secret!
Ok lemme give you some background for those of you that do not go to my church. The ladies have this little thing we do called "Secret Sister". Basically we have a secret pal thing going on. I enjoy it very much, I can't wait to get to the table and see who all has gifts and all the pretty bags and wrappings. Oh yeah and I ABSOLUTELY love to see the looks on the ladies faces when they open their gift, it is a look of, "OH how cute, I love this!!!" and then "Hmmmm who is this from" It cracks me up. BUT the thing I love the most when I come in and see so many gifts on the table, not just on holidays either all the time, and know that everyone is at least being thought of and I would venture so far as to say being prayed for as well.
I will tell you a funny story. Every night we have family prayer time and I always make a point to mention names and especially my kids names in my prayer. Well I would pray for Mrs. Ann and her family, and her Sunday school class. I would ask God to bless her every night. Eventually Caylob picked up on that and he prays for Mrs. Ann, and her family, and her Sunday school class. So my secret sister gets a double dose...lol. It is so cute.
Anyways back to the whole Secret Sister thing. Well it is headed up by who I think is the perfect person to head it up. Amy she does such a wonderful job, and you know that she puts all she has into it. Plus she has a great personality and wonderful public speaking abilities. About every 6 months we get together and have a ladies meeting and Amy always plans these. She may not always think so but they turn out great. At these meetings the women of the church get to come together and fellowship, and let me tell ya, for a stay at home mom you need some good christian fellowship. I really enjoy my time at these. Another perk is that we get to reveal our secret sister!
Last night was our ladies night and it was a Ladies Luau theme. Amy got the talented Teri to make the cake and it was ceeeute! I was impressed. And instead of a big meal we had veggie and fruit trays. The fruit dip was marvelous. I think we all had a wonderful time. My secret sister was Danielle and she was awesome!! Then Amy had us all stand in a circle and say one nice thing about the person standing to the right of you. Well I was about a quarter of the way around in the circle and everyone in front of me said their very nice things without a tear. And the it is MY turn and before I can get one word, get that ONE measly ole word out, the water works began. I could barely tell Teri what I needed to say and that was all she wrote. Because I think most of the women got misty eyed while saying what they needed to say. Ok so after the mushy gushy stuff. Amy asked Mindy to lead us in a little song called, "Victory in Jesus" now we were only going to sing one verse and then the chorus. Everyone knows this song right? Yeah we all say. Here we go, " I heard an old old story, how a Savior came from glory. How he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me." SILENCE LOL everyone looks at each other like well had someone kept on with the words I would have kept on with them. HEHE but Mindy was quick to remember and on the song went. We needed that laugh. Then the night ended and we slowly made our ways home. But I had a blast. Thank you ladies, especially Amy.
OH foo I forgot to tell what happened yesterday before. Most of the women there last night heard this but I will tell it again. Well we went and met Caylob's teacher and he had a blast. He did NOT want to leave. And he has asked me almost every hour since then what day it is, so that he can go to school. Well we get home and I go to look for my Mrs. Ann's gift. I had her btw. Anyway I cannot find it anywhere. I was soooo mad. Finally I asked Caylob, " Son, when you helped take the trash out the other day, did you throw that bag in the corner over there away?" and this was his response, " UMMHMMMM" I was like, "CAYLOB that was NOT trash, that was a present for my secret sister!!!" And he started to cry and said, " I am so sorry Mommy I did not know, I was just trying to help" So I could not stay mad. I just had to go get something else. Oh well that is a day in our household!!
P.S Frank got promoted THIS MORNING Carre!!!!! They gave him his position back and his pay plus a penny!! WOOOHOOO!! I am so happy to hear this.
Ok I am posting some pics from last night.
Posted by A Day In Our Household. at 1:57 PM 0 comments