Ok so when you hear Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever what comes to mind? In my mind incurable disease that looks horrible.
Well let me tell you a little story. Last Friday I was bitten by what I thought was a brown recluse during the night. I looked it up online and my bite had EVERY characteristic of a B.R. spider bite. So I freak out and all I can think about is my arm is already ugly and now I am going to have a big ugly hole in it. And it is going to look sooooo gross. Yeah I was a little stressed. I called the doc and they got me in that day. Well the doc looks at it and says, "Yeah you got bit by something." NOOOOOO KIDDING?!?!?! "But I don't think it was a brown recluse, it is missing ONE characteristic." Ok I am not to fond of this particular doc and I really thought she did not know what she was talking about. Mostly because we have had issues of misdiagnosises with her and some other things as well. But anyway I was put on an oral antibiotic and a cream antibiotic. Off I go and within about 3 days it was starting to look better.
So Monday comes around. The bite looks good, but my arm hurts sooooo bad. I did notice that it was really red around it tho. But the day goes by and I am fine. Then around 4-4:30p.m, I had just gotten done at the bank and was headed to my m.i.l's house, I start getting chills all of a sudden and as soon as I get to her house I take my temp and it was like 101.7. Not cool what is up with that? I took some Tylenol and the fever went away for about 2 hours. I also noticed I was going to the bathroom a lot more, so I chalked it up to a bladder infection coming on. Well after about 2 hrs my fever came back with what felt like a vengeance and knocked me off my feet. I was sore from head to toe and my head felt like it was going to pop. The fever got up to 103 and I was nauseated. I knew that something was really wrong. When I woke up this morning I was still really sore, but my fever had gone down substantially. Frank already had an appointment to see the doc at 9:15 so I had him call and see if they could get me in with him. They did...thank goodness.
So here we go with Liana and Jaycob in tow. It was so funny because when the nurse opened the door to call us back, Frank and I got up and started walking to the door trying to coral the kids and Jaycob stands still and will not budge. Then he starts crying!! He knew what goes on behind that door and he wanted no part in it what so ever. Well vitals are taken, she weighed me and that just started my day off on the wrong foot. Then we go in the room to wait. The doc comes in and says, "Who is sick today?" Sadly it was Frank and myself. She laughed and so did the pharmacy ppl. Either way, she checked Frank and he is now being tested for rheumatoid arthritis. So pray for him He is in a lot of pain. I think he is just getting old ;) (j/k) Then comes my turn. I hate going to the doc. they ALWAYS find something wrong. So we go through my symptoms, which btw a rash had now appeared on my left wrist (the same arm as the bite) and she has lab work done and urine samples and things like that. I got poked three times which bettered my day...NOT!! Then when we go back into the room she lets me know that she is CONCERNED that I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever!! I wanted to die. I was like, "Doesn't that come from ticks?" She said, "Yes and I am pretty sure that is what bit you" The test results take a few days to process, so I have to go back in next week and get them. For now all she can do is give me yet another antibiotic to take with my other one. The other one is good but the one thing it does not take care of is RMSF. Go figure!
As soon as I get home and get the kiddos in bed I get on the computer to do some research. Well it is no longer as life threatening and really hasn't been since the 40's I believe. Some cases are sever and can cause hospitalization. Oh yeah and the longer it goes untreated the worse it gets. Mine went right at 5 days..YAY! I had all but one symptom and that was vomiting and the only reason I did not do that was because I hate to vomit and if there is anyway possible I avoid it at all costs! Also something more alarming is that the tick would have had to have been on my arm 4-5 HOURS for me to have gotten RMSF. That just really gives me the hebby gebbies. Also the rash if it gets any worse or starts looking like the pictures that I saw, I think I may recluse myself for a while...lol. I honestly feel like a leper now. Oh well I will get over it and I don't think it is going to be that sever. But I am always the one who gets the weird things that all you have heard of is the disease killing ppl. So now I have had Scarlett Fever and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever(maybe) Yay me!
Now nobody is going to want to come around me at church tomorrow night...HAHA.
This is the symptoms link. I went to a bunch of them and found out a lot from each one. I also looked up a picture of a tick bite and what I have looks similar. Just my luck huh? I am just thankful that it was me and not Jaycob because he crawled into my bed that night.
SO here is my tip for the day. Always check your skin from head to toe and make sure to check your bed before you get i it at night. You never know what kind of creepy disease carrying critter may be lurking in there.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Wow-- who would have thought!?
Hope things heal quickly!
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