Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Caylob!!

Well I am a little late posting this but....6 years ago today I gave birth to one of the most incredible little boys on this earth. I know that is bias, but I am allowed to be when it comes to my own right? =)

I cannot believe how time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. And NO it is not because we did just bring an infant home from the hospital ;) But I still remember every part of the day he was born. He was a perfect little butter ball. Just as chunky as can be. Weighing in at 10lbs even and 21inches long. No wonder I was having trouble breathing at the end.

Caylob spoiled Daddy and I tho. He was the perfect baby. Hardly cried and was smart as a whip from day one. And is still going strong. The child basically taught himself how to read. He knew his books of the Bible by the time he was 4. And still amazes me with little things everyday. His comprehension is out of this world. I just pray that it stays that way. He is a handsome little man.

I think that the thing I am the most proud about is his love for the Lord. He is so passionate about reading the Bible and learning about God. He has taught me some things =)

There are a million other things I wish I could say, but I don't think that there is enough space to put it all =) Can you tell I am a proud Momma?!!

So Happy 6th Birthday my BIG boy Mommy loves you!!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

HE is here.

Well I know that it has been forever and a day, but there have been some big changes in the household since the last time I posted!! We now have 4 kids!!!

Elijah James was born on October 12th, 2oo9 at 7:54 am. He was 9lbs 6
oz and measured 19 inches long. He has a head full of dark hair, and the chubbiest little cheeks!! I love it.

He is a little angel only cries when he is hungry or needs to be changed. He has really settled in nicely with our chaos in the home. He sleeps well at night too....woohooo! Now I know that will probably change, but I am def. taking advantage right now.

The delivery went nicely. Of course it was c-section, but usually in Dyersburg they could never get a spinal block to take so I had to be put to sleep with Caylob and Liana. They did get the spinal to take for Jaycob, but that was in Jackson. So I was really nervous that I was going to have to be put to sleep for this one. But luckily they now have a new anesthesiologist named Kevin and he is awesome!! He got the spinal to take and I was able to see Elijah right away. When I have to be put to sleep, I seem to loose a whole day just trying to wake up.

Of course with this pregnancy we did not find out the gender until bday. And EVERYONE thought I was having a girl. I cannot say the thought did not cross my mind that I would be having a little girl. So when they announced that we had a little boy, I was a little surprised. Only a little tho, because I really had no clue. But he was perfect!! I could not ask for more. Not with any of my children.

We got to come home on Wed. I went in on Monday to have him. Unfortunately I was released early on Wed. but Elijah's doc. got held up ALL day long and he did not get released until 7pm that night. I had a spinal headache, which I would not wish on my worst enemy btw, and I just wanted to go home. I was there by myself, b/c Frank had to go and get the other three so that Ms. Tracy could get to church. So that was kind of a bump in the happy road home, but when we finally got home and had our whole family together, the whole ordeal was soon forgotten =)

I just wanted to say a special thank you to Mrs. Tracy and Bro. Jeremy for watching Caylob, Liana, and Jaycob while I was in the hospital. They had a blast and miss Ms. Tracy house!! It is too funny. It felt really good knowing that they were being so well taken care of =)

My parents came up on Thur. and just went home today (Sunday). It felt really good having them here to help. I feel like I did not get to spend that much quality time with them. The kids had a ball with their Paw Paw and Grammy tho!!! They have really had a big week. I really hated seeing them leave, I think I bawled for a solid 10 mins. Then I had to pull myself together, the kids were getting worried =) LOL Frank unfortunately had to go back to work on Friday, so I am here by myself with the kids today. I realllllly wish that I could drive and take us to church. I would love to be able to hear some good preaching today. So I guess I will just have to get lost in His word while the kiddos are sleeping.

Well I guess that is all I can post for right now. A hungry little tummy is calling out for Mommy. I will try to post more, but do not hold your breath waiting on me.....=)

For now here are a couple of pictures to enjoy.

BTW I know a big question that I have gotten is, "How are Caylob, Liana, and Jaycob doing with Elijah?" Well they are wonderful with him. They love him to pieces and want to love on him and kiss and hold him all the time. They are all really helpful when it comes time for changing the diapers =) Jaycob still hasn't quite gotten his boundaries of how rough he can be with the baby yet, but he is doing a pretty good job. I did catch him actually holding the baby this morning w/o me telling him he could. I almost had a mini conniption fit, but quickly got it under control. But seriously they all are doing very good with him, I could not ask for more!!

Have a good one all.