Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One of those days.

Have you ever had one of those days where you know you have a ton of stuff to get done, but you just cannot motivate yourself enough to do them. Well that is the type of day I am having. First of all. it does not matter how much sleep I get here lately, I still feel overwhelmingly tired. I think it is the muggy weather or something. But on top of being tired I just cannot make myself get up and do what needs to be done. I guess it is because I do not know where to start!!!

Let me tell ya. Frank has started this company where he is trying to start his own business with a guy from church. Because he is training we are having more company than usual because his trainers come here sometimes before they go to their presentations. Well lets just say I CANNOT stand for ppl. to come over and see my house a wreck. Who cares if I have 6 kids running around, this house better be presentable!! Anyways I have to straighten up and I know it, but my body just does not want to But somehow like 10mins. before company arrives I will get it done.

Also we have Vacation Bible School at church next week and we have been diligently working to get ready for it. I enjoy the work nights we have been having and I feel like we are getting alot accomplished, But I guess I am getting ansy about seeing the finished product. I have never even been to a VBS much less worked in one, so I am excited!!! The only problem right now is I am helping with the music and we have not figured anything out yet. VBS is next week!!! Can we say PANIC!!!

So that is my day. The kids are all actually being good, which is good for And the hubby is pretty much gone for the day. I guess I can chalk this up to one of the limited lazy days I get. =)

P.S. I also wanted to share this. At night we do a devotional and read the Bible a bit. Then we say prayer. I am on Cafe mom and one of the groups I am in has a little girl named Gracie that they have asked prayer for. She was born with half a heart and she has had some really big ups and downs. So I pray for her every night. Well Caylob has picked up on that and started praying for her as well. At first I thought he was just repeating what I was praying, but the more he talked the more I realized that he knew exactly what he was talking about and actually praying for baby Gracie. I teared up because I knew he truly meant it. And when he prays he prays for EVERYONE and specific things too. He just amazes me all the time. I just know the he is headed down the right path to me a great man of God.

Have a good one all!!