Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rainy Day.

Ahh sometimes a change just makes you feel a little better doesn't it!

The weather is getting ugly outside. But I am starting to like rainy days better than sunny ones because I find them relaxing. I think I am going to curl up on the bed and watch some T.V. or even read a bit. The house is quiet, the kiddos are all napping, and hubby is out for a bit. PLUS I got all my housework that can be done, done.

What type of day is your favorite... rainy or sunny?

Enjoy your day everyone!!


Mindy said...

I think I may be with ya on this one. It feels good to wrap up in a blanket and just relax on a rainy day.

Anonymous said...

" I've got sunshine on a cloudy day"-- ok, that was my best rendition of that old song.

MEANING-- I really love rain. Always have.. always will!!

A Day In Our Household. said...

Amy you are so funny =)

Sandy said...

Rainy day, If I have everything done and can relax.