Monday, November 17, 2008

To all of my readers!

Ok I have entered Caylob into a contest on a blog that I was introduced to by Tracy. The hard part is..... Kayla her daughter is entered too! Soooo here is the thing, I need you to go HERE and vote for Caylob. If you know both of us I understand if you vote for Kayla, she did do a great pic! BUT for all my family and friends go to the website and vote for Caylob, and while you are at it check out the blog,it is awesome AND they have some really cute stuff for sell on it.

In order to vote you have to leave a comment on who you like the best.


Have a good one all!


Tracy said...

You can vote for both of them. They have different age categories so Kayla & Caylob can both win.

Anonymous said...

I voted!! Tell Caylob I said good luck!!!