Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well I have not been updating on Jaycob that much, as far as him sleeping in his big boy bed. But that is because there has really been no change. He comes and gets in my bed still for the most part around 2am.

WELL the night before last he stayed in his bed till 4AM WOO!!!
THEN last night he stayed in his bed ALL NIGHT WOOHOO!!!!

I was almost in shock this morning when I got up!

Also Caylob got an alarm clock for his birthday and this morning was the first morning he got to use it. Well I for some reason kept hitting my snooze button this morning. Probably because I was enjoying my whole be ALL TO MYSELF because Frank had to go into work this morning! Ahem anyways I kept hitting the snooze button. I usually get up around 6:45 to get me and Caylob and the kiddos ready to leave by 7:30a.m. We take showers at night, that is how I get to sleep in later btw. Well anyways this morning I get up FINALLY at 7:03. I get dressed and walk out of my room. And to my surprise when I get to Caylob's room he is already dressed and Liana and Jaycob are already up and in good spirits! I was like OH YEA! Well I get the other two dressed and everyone's hair done and teeth brushed and we were out the door by 7:35. 5 mins earlier than we usually leave.

So needless to say this has actually been a pretty good day. I have been able to get some things done that needed to get accomplished. Now I have to go figure out what to do for dinner. Have a good one all!!


Jenn W. said...

I'm a weirdo...the girls get baths at night. I HAVE to have a shower in the morning to get going. So allotting time for myself is tricky at times. I get the girls fed and dressed before I get in the shower. Serenity usually watches a few minutes of TV and Faith plays in the exersaucer while I shower.

Kudos to you for being able to sleep in and get out of the door so fast with three kids!!! I don't know if I could do it! :)