Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane!

Ok I have proof now that I used to be skinny folks. Lol I was looking through an old photo album from high school and as I saw myself in these photos all I could think was, "WHOA I was skinny!!!" I had some really big issues in high school where I thought I was as big as I am now. That is how I saw myself then. I can't say that I don't regret not keeping up with the way I used to live my life then either. I did some kind of exercises EVERYDAY. I had some ppl tell me that I did not need it that I looked good and to stop worrying. I really did look good and I am now determined more than ever to get back down to that size. BTW I had already had issues before and had gotten really big at a young age so I had to work really hard to get to my lowest size. I can do it again!!

I started gaining weight when my Mom started to get sick and we did not know what was going on with her. Then after she passed away I really ballooned. Then in the same year I lost a baby through miscarriage and that was devastating on my weight. The next year was better I married the LOVE of my life. Then not 6 months after we got married I was pregnant with Caylob and we had to move to T.N. WOW I went through a lot within 2-3 years and I obviously could not handle the stress. I also did not have God in His place in my life then either. He had a reason for me coming to T.N. I joined the best church in Dyersburg and got to meet some of the nicest ppl in the world. The young girls that were at my church did not judge me like the young girls back home would have. There were three girls in particular that just made me feel so welcome, and they were my support while I was coping with being away from home.

Now here is the kicker, I need to take the advice of a good sermon I heard preached a little while ago. It may not have been the point of the message BUT what stood out was the GET OVER IT part. I need to stop stressing and just get over it. All this stress does is sends food straight to places it does NOT belong.

So here is my pact. Starting today I am going to start LOOSING this weight. Now I have an obligation because I have announced it. I am not putting a time on it I am just going to loose it at my own pace. I am ready to take my life back over and tell the weight to get out. I am tired of being self conscious and hindered from doing things I like, like going to the fair and riding rides with my kids (Caylob wants to go sooo bad!!) or just being able to take them outside and just play with them. I am going to make a change.

Please pray for me that I can do this!! Sorry this one is so personal =)

Here are some pics to give you an idea how small I really was. This is my proof!!...LOL
These pics were scanned so they may not be that good of quality.

This is my sister and I goofing off with my Mom.

I was at my sister's house in this one and my nephew had done something goofy. Yes I know the shorts were a little short, but I was more dressed than girls now a days.

I was in the Miss Golden Eagle pageant. This was I believe in 98'. Of course I did not win, I was not popular enough.

Then this was my Senior pic. I graduated in 00'. See I used to be tan...HAHAHA. WOW look you can see my collar bones!!

Enjoy your day everyone!!!!


jodikeeling said...

i will really be praying for you... it is so hard... especially after children.. i am going through it now... im working on mine so good luck to both of us.. love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Jenn!

BTW- That pageant dress looks like the dresses my bridesmaids wore at my wedding. Good taste!

Jeff and Carre Gordon said...

Girk, im right there with you! Keep your head up you can do it!

Mindy said...

Hey, I also have pics to prove that this is not my "normal" weight.(I'll have to post them sometime) I'm just wondering when the "norma"l is going to show back up, hopefully soon. I know it's hard, food just tastes so darn good. Good luck sister!

Jenn W. said...

Aww Jennifer! I know what you mean...I have struggled with issues about my weight for years even when I was super duper skinny. (I was anorexic at one point as a teenager) I am trying to lose my last bit of weight right now.

I think it's important to remember that no matter what we do we might not be the same as before when we were teenagers because having kids definitely can change your body...and hips! :) I'll be praying for you...I know you can do it!!