Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Preacher Boy

Well first off Caylob has learned ALL of his books of the Bible...YAY!!!! I am so very proud of him that I can barely contain myself.

Today at church we had a turn around service which meant we were at church for most of the day. Reason we were at church so long was because the months with 5 Sundays in them we always come to morning service, then we go downstairs for dinner, and then we go back upstairs for some popcorn preaching. Well this morning Caylob and I spent a good 15-20 mins. trying to figure out which suit he was going to wear today. He wanted to wear one that in my opinion was to small, but hey he was so excited for this day that I let him wear it, with the stipulation that this was the LAST time. And that we had to put it up for Jaycob after this. He agreed and got dressed without a bunch of hassle. Off we went, and BTW for the first time we were on time and that is with me cooking breakfast and a meal for dinner at church.

I was downstairs helping get things set up and Caylob comes down and wants to tell Mrs. Ann ALL his books of the Bible, so he starts and of course there was a crowd around him. Well anyone that knows Mrs. Ann, knows that she is very emotional, and she asked him with tears in her eyes to say them in front of the church. He wanted to do this anyway, so he gladly agreed. And during morning service he got up there and rattled them off without a problem. The cutest part is when he runs out of breath, he gasps and then goes right back at it.

Well after service we are downstairs eating and Mrs. Ann comes and tells me that she has talked to her boys in her Sunday school class, and told them that if they wanted to preach in the popcorn preaching they could. They just needed to let someone know. And she kinda brought the idea up that Caylob should get up there if he wanted to. I told her that it was fine with us and she asked him. He of course said yes. Anytime that Bro. Jeremy asks if anyone has a testimony or just something to say, Caylob always wants to say something, and most of the time it is a little message. And those "little messages" are the ones that just remind me that God is good and that he is working in my 4 year old's life more than I know. I cannot explain the feelings I get when I hear him talk about God. And he sings about Him too.

Well Mrs. Ann prayed with Caylob before it was time for him to go up and preach, and they asked God to give Caylob a good message. And as we were sitting there waiting on Caylob's turn every time someone else was called he would look at me and say, " Mommy I am supposed to go up there, when is it going to be my turn?" I asked him what he was going to preach about and he said, " God and Jesus." Then finally his name was called. Caylob stands up and walks to the front, gets up on the pulpit, and all while Mommy has followed him up there with the camera. He looks at me and says,"Mom what are you doing?" and has this look on his face like I cannot believe you are going to film this. Well he is handed the mic and first thing he says is ,"AMEN" like he was foxing to preach a revival or Then silence. I mean for like a solid minute. Bro. John says, "Well Caylob what are you going to preach about today? Why don't you tell them what you told me a few minutes ago?"...silence. Then after a few more awkward moment Bro. John asks him to say his books of the Bible again. This suited Caylob just fine and he did fine after that. He is so funny. I think that he choked because I threw him off when I went up there with the camera. But oh well at least he tried right? I am sure there will be many more times he will give his little sermons about what God has done for him. I am just thankful that he is so interested at such a young age.

Here is the video I got of him saying his Books. Enjoy!!