Thursday, June 26, 2008


Due to my post yesterday and saying that I was OCD about some things, it really got me thinking about all the things I really am OCD about. I seriously think I have something wrong with

I have to have everything even.If I get the kids something they have to get the same amount of things. That better change get before they get older when things start costing more the older they get.

2.If Frank kisses me he has to smack or I have to make him do it over. Not just smack, but smack at the same time I do. How retarded is that. He loves to tease me with that one.

3. Another thing, he has to kiss me before bed and when he leaves or I just don't function right.

4. If he does not say bye before he leaves I get mad. Mostly because I want to know when he is gone, so that I can listen out for the kiddos better.

5. Ok this one is weird, I play with my fingernails and flick them. I have to touch my thumb with each nail first, then turn around and touch each nail with my thumb.

Oh my goodness I cannot believe that I am sharing this. But here is more.

6. I cannot stand for the sheet to be untucked, and Christi G. if you read this I am sorry I know you like your untucked, but I cringe when you talk about

7. If Frank's fitted sheet corner comes off the bed, as it does almost every night if it does not have a snap dealy thing to keep it on, I go INSANE. I have to get out of the bed and fix it while he just lays there and laughs his head off!!!!! Makes me mad, mad, mad. Also he does not care if the bed is a wreck and sheets are all tucked and everything. No not me I have to have clean straight sheets and I make my bed everyday.

8. I have my ways about getting the house clean. Frank says that I am haphazord. But if I go to put something up in a room and I see something that needs to be done, I do it then because I cannot stand to leave something undone.

9. When I get groceries the less trips from the car to the house I have to make the better. SO I grab as many, if not all, of the bags that I can. (Frank hates that one, especially when I was preggo)

10. YES I do check the doors at least twice before bed and I cannot go to sleep if I do not. I just lay there thinking did I check it, what if it is unlocked.

11. I cannot stand for the kids doors to be closed at night, I feel like we cannot get to them soon enough if something were to happen.

There are probably many more, but I already sound like a nutcase, so I am gonna call it quits. See what I mean about the whole needing help

What are some of you all's OCDs?


Tracy said...

Oh my goodness! I was just thinking the same thing the other day! I will share one with ya....only one :)....I doodle words when I am on the phone. I have to doodle the complete word. If I am finished talking, I have to finish the entire word before I hang up. Strange huh?

Mindy said...

I'm with ya on the sheet thing. I cannot stand for the covers or sheets to be messed up. I also will share a compulsion. I have to have John stand at the foot of the bed everynight and pull the flat sheet until it is right under my chin. I know this is crazy and he has told me that everynight for the past 10 years, but there is no way I'm going to sleep without that sheet being fixed just right:)

Mindy said...

I'm with ya on the sheet thing. I cannot stand for the covers or sheets to be messed up. I also will share a compulsion. I have to have John stand at the foot of the bed everynight and pull the flat sheet until it is right under my chin. I know this is crazy and he has told me that everynight for the past 10 years, but there is no way I'm going to sleep without that sheet being fixed just right:)

Anonymous said...

I typed this once and it makes me sound like an absolute circus freak. Here goes: I can not inhale someone's exhaled breath. For example, if someone sighs.. I hold my breath for a couple of seconds until that air "is gone".--?? If Brian is facing me in the bed, I have to turn because I panic thinking I am breathing in his exhaled air.

Anonymous said...

I understand your "checking the door locks" thing. I have a routine before I go to bed. I have to check the front door, back door, and garage door multiple times. Plus, I have to check all the sinks in the house to be sure no water is dripping. Weird, huh? Also, I have to check to see if the toaster is unplugged in our corner bread box. That sounds odd, but what can I say? I would lay in bed all night if I didn't check those things.