Thursday, June 5, 2008


I know this has taken forever for me to write another blog, but here lately I just feel like BLAH. I cannot get myself motivated to do anything and I certainly do not want to get on here and whine about my life. But I do want to explain some things. If I do not seem to be acting "myself" here lately it is because there are some things going on that makes me feel like I am in a never ending downward spiral. Well anyone that knows me knows that my family and I have had a pretty tough past couple of years i.e. a scarey pregnancy, a blown transmission, some other personal things, Jaycob has literally cried most of his life, making life in the household at time unbearable, and now Frank has gotten a demotion at work. Not just a demotion but a $2 an hour pay cut, so if anyone knows someone hiring let us The whole issue I have with this demotion is that the guys that made the decision really did him wrong. They have never liked Frank, because he is not one to cut up and just run a product as fast as it can go. No Frank wants to take a little more time and make sure quality is good and they chose to let drug addicts keep their position. Why is it always the good guy that gets pooped on? Ok there is my vent. It just makes me mad.

But out of this I really have been getting closer to God. We have had a ton of conversations in the past couple of weeks. I was really stressing about what we are going to do for money because it would cost us more for me to get a job because of daycare. But he has really eased my fears and we have actually heard of a few good paying jobs that he is going to apply for. The only problem is they could take a whole to get on at these places. So in the mean time he is going to try and get a part time job. Things are going to be ok I just need to have more faith in Him. I know that he will take care of my family. I know that if He leads us to it He will lead us through it.

Also some other good news is that Jaycob is getting his tubes put in his ears on Monday. I pray that this will ease most of the crying. I will not know what to do with myself without him following me around the house screaming bloody mercy. Yes that truly happens he just does not do it out in public. Go figure.

WARNING: Frank and I have had strep throat we are not sure about the kids. We have a doctor's appointment today to check them. I honestly thought that I had some sinus issues over the weekend that is why I came to church Sunday morning. Frank thought he had sun poisoning that is why he stayed home. But I did not feel well enough to come Sunday night. Frank did not get any better, I did somewhat, but he went to the doc on Tue. he had strep and they told me to come in the next day and of course I had strep. Funny thing is I never have a positive strep test unless my son has surgery scheduled for the following Monday!!!! And watch all the kids will have it too. "Think positive Jennifer" ANYWAYS I just wanted to let everyone that I was around on Sunday know that I am very sorry and I honestly did not know.

Thank you guys for reading my vent. I am sorry to be so long but I needed that off my chest. Next post will be a more uplifting one I hope!!!


Mindy said...

Hey Jennifer, you'll be in my prayers. I know how scary it is for you with the whole money situation I know we all probably have a little of that problem ourselves. It seems that no matter how much money you make it is never enough and we as mothers, or at least I know I do, anytime money or jobs starts changing I start getting very stressed and I worry about how are we going to pay this or how are we going to do that. This is when John has to remind me that God is going to take of our family and we just need to trust Him and he'll provide us with what we need. I hope things start looking up for ya.

Tracy said...

I Hate strep throat! I hope the kids tests come back negative...anyway....always know that Bro. Jeremy & I are praying for you and we love you.