Thursday, August 21, 2008

Feelin' the Love!!

Well we had an interesting morning here at my house. Well to start with for some reason all the kids decided to come to either my room or my bed in the middle of the night to sleep. I wound up with Jaycob and Liana in my bed and Caylob was in Jaycob's bed. Don't ask I don't Anyways this morning I miraculously was able to get myself and Caylob up and out of the bed without waking the other two up. That is not normal at all. We got ready and still no no sign of movement coming from my room. Frank was even able to come home and get a shower while I took Caylob to school. When I got home a little after 8am they were still sleeping. Frank had just gotten out of the shower so I sat in there with him while he shaved. When he was done we went to head out of the bathroom and we heard the door to our bedroom open.

Now here is the funny part, we decided to be really quiet and see if they could find us. Now when Jaycob gets up he usually wants Mommy right away, and Liana just wants to lay on someone for a few mins. So we figured they would come find us right away right?....WRONG!!! Just a little tid bit of info on me, I cannot hide without laughing, I am immature I know, I just cannot do it. So here I am with Frank in a bathroom that you can just about stretch both your arms out and touch the walls (sad I know). I was sitting under the clock also that was particularly loud this morning. Reason I say all that is because we sat there for FIVE minutes listening to the tick by and we overheard Jaycob playing in the dog cage. If the dog ever leaves food in her bowl he likes to go in there and dump it out so that he can put it back in the bowl piece by piece and hear the ping it makes on the metal. We also heard Liana standing at the gate between the kitchen and living room (which was closed) talking and eventually growling at the kitty which was perched on my computer chair. She growled for I know a solid minute maybe two. By this time I had stopped laughing and was getting a little upset. Well at 6 mins. I looked at Frank and said, "Well I feel real loved." He said, "Yeah tell me bout it." Finally at 7 minutes we hear a silence and then we hear Liana say, "Hey, where's Daddy." and then Jaycob chimes in with a, "Muaaaaamaaaa" almost like awooo woo. That is when I started laughing again and they still took a little bit to find us. When they finally did they acted like they do when they first get up.

Kids are so funny. They are almost all the entertainment I need....ALMOST!!!

Have a good one. T.G.I.F