Friday, August 1, 2008

SHHH It's a Secret!

Ok lemme give you some background for those of you that do not go to my church. The ladies have this little thing we do called "Secret Sister". Basically we have a secret pal thing going on. I enjoy it very much, I can't wait to get to the table and see who all has gifts and all the pretty bags and wrappings. Oh yeah and I ABSOLUTELY love to see the looks on the ladies faces when they open their gift, it is a look of, "OH how cute, I love this!!!" and then "Hmmmm who is this from" It cracks me up. BUT the thing I love the most when I come in and see so many gifts on the table, not just on holidays either all the time, and know that everyone is at least being thought of and I would venture so far as to say being prayed for as well.

I will tell you a funny story. Every night we have family prayer time and I always make a point to mention names and especially my kids names in my prayer. Well I would pray for Mrs. Ann and her family, and her Sunday school class. I would ask God to bless her every night. Eventually Caylob picked up on that and he prays for Mrs. Ann, and her family, and her Sunday school class. So my secret sister gets a double It is so cute.

Anyways back to the whole Secret Sister thing. Well it is headed up by who I think is the perfect person to head it up. Amy she does such a wonderful job, and you know that she puts all she has into it. Plus she has a great personality and wonderful public speaking abilities. About every 6 months we get together and have a ladies meeting and Amy always plans these. She may not always think so but they turn out great. At these meetings the women of the church get to come together and fellowship, and let me tell ya, for a stay at home mom you need some good christian fellowship. I really enjoy my time at these. Another perk is that we get to reveal our secret sister!

Last night was our ladies night and it was a Ladies Luau theme. Amy got the talented Teri to make the cake and it was ceeeute! I was impressed. And instead of a big meal we had veggie and fruit trays. The fruit dip was marvelous. I think we all had a wonderful time. My secret sister was Danielle and she was awesome!! Then Amy had us all stand in a circle and say one nice thing about the person standing to the right of you. Well I was about a quarter of the way around in the circle and everyone in front of me said their very nice things without a tear. And the it is MY turn and before I can get one word, get that ONE measly ole word out, the water works began. I could barely tell Teri what I needed to say and that was all she wrote. Because I think most of the women got misty eyed while saying what they needed to say. Ok so after the mushy gushy stuff. Amy asked Mindy to lead us in a little song called, "Victory in Jesus" now we were only going to sing one verse and then the chorus. Everyone knows this song right? Yeah we all say. Here we go, " I heard an old old story, how a Savior came from glory. How he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me." SILENCE LOL everyone looks at each other like well had someone kept on with the words I would have kept on with them. HEHE but Mindy was quick to remember and on the song went. We needed that laugh. Then the night ended and we slowly made our ways home. But I had a blast. Thank you ladies, especially Amy.

OH foo I forgot to tell what happened yesterday before. Most of the women there last night heard this but I will tell it again. Well we went and met Caylob's teacher and he had a blast. He did NOT want to leave. And he has asked me almost every hour since then what day it is, so that he can go to school. Well we get home and I go to look for my Mrs. Ann's gift. I had her btw. Anyway I cannot find it anywhere. I was soooo mad. Finally I asked Caylob, " Son, when you helped take the trash out the other day, did you throw that bag in the corner over there away?" and this was his response, " UMMHMMMM" I was like, "CAYLOB that was NOT trash, that was a present for my secret sister!!!" And he started to cry and said, " I am so sorry Mommy I did not know, I was just trying to help" So I could not stay mad. I just had to go get something else. Oh well that is a day in our household!!

P.S Frank got promoted THIS MORNING Carre!!!!! They gave him his position back and his pay plus a penny!! WOOOHOOO!! I am so happy to hear this.

Ok I am posting some pics from last night.