Monday, August 18, 2008


I just thought I would post a couple of interesting pictures on here.

Meet Sassy. This is the newest member of our family. Yeah I know I said we were not going to keep her, but if you could have heard Caylob when his daddy told him we were not going to keep her, your heart would have burst out of your chest with sadness. Anyway as you can see from the pic she knows already the foundation of this household. (the Bible if you cannot tell) I could not help but to think of the song, "Standing On the Promises of God" I know I am weird but at least I admit

Ok so this was the bite I got on the back of my arm the other night. It had every charactaristic of a brown recluse bite. I am pretty sure I caught it in time tho because I started taking some antibiotics and putting antibiotic ointment on it that afternoon. It got a little worse that night and then wound up starting to clear up, thank goodness. I really did not want a big ole hole in my big ole arm. It is still there today and still hurts pretty bad, but the looks of it are getting better.

HAHA this is Caylob eating the sour piece of gum I surprised him with. I know it is mean, but hey I need some kind of Hey he got a treat out of it ;)

So there are some random pics that explains A Day in Our Household.


Jenn W. said...

Ouch on the brown me chills thinking about it. I'm so afraid of spiders :(

Love the picture of Caylob and the gum! Too cute!!

Tracy said...

That gum is so funny. I love when we give it to the kids on wed. nights and see who makes the first ace....too funny.